crankncash, the ring finger is the main tendon stretching from the knuckles back to the wrist. I injured this years back, as the specialist said, was a hyperextension for too much torque. With Sarge, I feel no pain because the ring finger is not doing any work. I've also stopped tucking my pinky in hopes to reduce the grip pressure.
So far, so good!
Donny, Damien was a son of someone there, someone with great background in the PBA and bowling in general. He was a handful, but hilarious to Ric & I. He always had a quick answer to everything, with the same tone everytime. Classic.
As for Kool-Aid and the meaning... well I suppose that is better left unsaid.

If someone wants to give their viewpoint, feel free.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-08http://www.BrunsNick.comhttp://www.AskTheBowler.comhttp://www.BigBapparel.comFriends don't let friends drink the Kool-Aid!