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Author Topic: Replacement for Ultra Zone  (Read 1043 times)


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Replacement for Ultra Zone
« on: December 02, 2010, 10:09:05 PM »
My trusty Ultra Zone that was great on drier patterns and shorter animal and sport patterns was damaged beyand repair by the bowling center.  Was wondering if a Damage or 4.5 could replace the ball (the bowling center is paying to replace the ball).  The ball was drilled as follows:

O       O

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.



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Re: Replacement for Ultra Zone
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 09:41:03 AM »
The Damage or v4.5 would be a good choice for shorter/drier patterns, although neither would really have the same overall shape as the Ultra.

If you want that asymmetrical Zone shape, but in a weaker overall reaction, I'd consider an Evil Siege with a similar layout, but with a polished cover.
Ray Salas
Brunswick Amateur Staff