I've thrown both the Blazing and the ScreamR.
My Blazing is drilled with layout 2L on the Brunswick low-diff drill sheet (pin 4" from PAP, slightly above and to the right of the ring finger, no XH). It needs dry to turn, but when it does, it does so smoothly. The ball really seems to come into its own when the fronts go; it stays clean in front, but is still controllable in the mids and down the lane. Also, I can get my feet to the left with it and be confident that it will recover.
The ScreamR that I had was drilled with the pin above the ring finger, 5" from the PAP, no XH. It was great on fresher blocks, or when I could go up the lane with it; it would tread the oil line, and not bounce too hard off of the dry. However, when I had to get my feet more to the left, the midlane reaction got really spooky; one shot would squirt and leave a bucket, the next would overreact and go through the face. In retrospect, I probably should have tried scuffing the cover, or maybe drilling a flare-increasing XH, but I had other stuff in the bag that worked better on these conditions.
I'll be getting an Intense in a week or so; I can follow up with observations then if you'd like.
Hope this helps.
And which one handles drier oil better?
Drier oil? As compared to oilier oil? 
Horrid in Doubles, torrid in Singles...
...that's The Curse of Dusty.