Whats going on guys, I haven't been on in a while, but I thought I would post on here that on March 29, I shot a 300 game and a 730 series with my vapor zone in a tournament at Dunbar Lanes in Dunbar, WV. It was my fist 300. Thanks for those of you who read this and post back.
Inferno best ball I have ever thrown!!!
I hate this commin in last BS!!!
AIM: Dannys440
Ifo on me:
Age: 18
Type of bowler: Cranker,with out the high back swing
Balls(owned by me, not used by me): OI(x2), Vicious attack,blade pearl,blade particle,Radical Infenro,Target Zone, Blue Vibe, MoRich LevRG, PBA Scorchin Inferno, Twisted Fury