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Author Topic: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity  (Read 2699 times)

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« on: December 17, 2003, 04:32:36 PM »
Anyone put a substantial amount of games on their Raging Inferno yet?  How has the coverstock held up?  Any loss of reaction due to oil absorbtion and/or particle death?

What type of cleaner do you use on the ball to draw the oil out after each night of bowling with it?  I love Track's Clean 'N Dull, but it is not made for a polished ball.

I am asking so many questions because I am seriously thinking about purchasing a Raging Inferno to combat carrydown on a 41' house shot.

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Edited on 12/18/2003 8:32 AM



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Re: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2003, 12:53:10 PM »
I have 60 games on my Raging Inferno and have not seen any loss of reaction at all, I use Liquid Nitro cleaner by Neo-Tac every 5 games or so on it, and out of all my particles, (Fear Factor, Power Diesel, and X-Factor Re-loaded), this is still the first ball I take out of my bag, and the one I have the most confidence in.


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Re: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2003, 12:27:17 AM »
I know it's a sweeping generalization, but for the most part I've had nothing but great success with Brunswick's coverstocks.

Take a look at how many old zones & monsters you see out there compared to other manufacturers. I know that in my area I'm always seeing old HPHs or Purple Monsters on the rack.

And as a plus, Brunswick fully endorses a trip to the rejuvenator, no "Hook Again" needed.


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Re: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2003, 12:30:12 AM »
I agree. Brunswick - as long as you keep 'em clean, will hold up FOREVER. My old Speed Zone - 3 resurfacings, and still going strong. I retired it out of respect, not death. And that's probably after 1500+ games.
My original Danger Zone - same thing.
I would expect the Activator cover stock to hold up at least as well.
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Burak Natal

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Re: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2003, 10:31:03 AM »
I agree that Brunswick coverstocks last relatively longer than other brands in most cases. We have drilled two Raging Infernos for our customers. They have around 100 games on their ball and we haven't seen any significant loss of reaction so far. Ofcourse the importance of a good maintenance on the balls must not be forgotten.
I have Contact Zone 2.0 with over 600 games on it, 3 times resurfaced, soaked etc. I still love it and it is still kicking.

However I must respectfully disagree with mumzie that they will last forever. The efficient life of a bowling ball is maximum 150-200 games regardless of how good you clean it etc.. After 100 games you start to loose reaction slightly. Resurfacing, soaking etc might help and gain some of the reaction back, but there is no way you can restore the original.. This is a fact of physics.
If you have a chance to have another Speed Zone with identical specs (pinout, top weight etc.) and drill it the same way, you will see the reaction difference. I believe you'll see at least 3 times much powerful, hard kicking ball.

I should tell this in other forum post "i think my Inferno died" perhaps but here is my experience about original inferno: In last year we have drilled more than 20 infernos, 1 of them for a guy I've been coaching. Now he has more than 400 games on it and regardless of what we have done, we couldn't make it come back to life (resurfacing, soaking etc..) Being a power tweener he can play with it only in house shot, relatively medium to light oil with clean backends.
We have experienced more or less the same thing with Raging Red Fuze last year. It was a real monster before it worn out..

Just my 2 cents..

Edited on 12/25/2003 11:30 AM

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Re: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2003, 08:01:06 AM »
Burak, good informative post.  I have experienced the same thing with the Inferno, 200 plus games and losing its kick.  Raging is a great ball, time will tell if it does the same.  Thanks again for your input.


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Re: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2003, 05:30:09 PM »
that isnt true about only 150 200 games i have a storm eraser boost i have around 300 games on it bowling in medium heavy oiled patterns every week and ive had it almost a year now and it still hooks and hits like new.


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Re: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2003, 05:31:36 PM »
and technicly the inferno hasnt died for me its just lost some of its hook which is good because i can throw a more even shot and string strikes easier this is after about 200 games

Burak Natal

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Re: Raging Inferno Coverstock Longevity
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2003, 06:04:55 PM »
That's why I call it "efficient life maximum 150-200 games"..
After all, it is a physical fact that it will loose it's reaction gradually.
Good maintenance, lane conditions can alter the life span, but not much.

Since, as I mentioned, ball will ware out gradually, sometimes we do not recognize the loss of reaction. Because we get used to it.
It's like a growing child if I may say so . You can not recognize the difference, coz you are always together with him/her. But ask the same question to your parents come to visit you to see their grandchild after 6 months

Just my 2 cents..

Edited on 12/28/2003 7:03 PM

Edited on 1/30/2004 8:29 PM

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