
Equipment Boards => Brunswick => Topic started by: lilphyzx on September 30, 2004, 05:05:03 AM

Title: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: lilphyzx on September 30, 2004, 05:05:03 AM
Hey fellas I was thinking about sanding the bruiser. What grit do you think would be best and what reaction would I get if I sanded it. Right now its kind of flippy on the backend. It flys to the pocket.
Title: Re: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: RSalas on September 30, 2004, 01:20:58 PM
Am thinking of doing the same to my Bruiser.  My plan is to take it gradually, starting with 800 and working downward from there.
"Dispensing conventional wisdom to a fingertip world."

Horrid in Doubles, torrid in Singles...
...that's The Curse of Dusty.
Title: Re: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: RandyO on September 30, 2004, 02:14:18 PM
I took mine down to 600 once. Man that sucker got strong. I only threw it on a medium condition house shot, but it covered some boards! No sign of any early energy bleeding like even "light-load" particles do for me in this house. I got the same reaction from a 600 grit Time Zone. PK18 seems to handle surface real well.
Title: Re: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: charlest on September 30, 2004, 02:40:32 PM
From its box finish of around 1500 grit polished, I'd first take it to 1200 grit, then work my way down from there: 800, 600. If I needed to take it below 600, I'd buy another ball or quit bowling.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
Title: Re: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: lilphyzx on September 30, 2004, 03:33:48 PM
I was actually just interested, right now it will fly back to the pocket from 5 and strike. And that is fine becaue I can use it on many mediums I was just interested in how it would perform.
Title: Re: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: TheBowlingKid25 on September 30, 2004, 03:41:45 PM
It would be the smoothest arc you've ever seen, or could be depending on the drilling. I've brought mine down with a green scotchbrite pad by hand, and it was very very smooth through the heads (surprisingly) and a real smooth arc all the way in to the pocket. Then again, I mean I dont have much hand but none the less.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!
Title: Re: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: lilphyzx on September 30, 2004, 03:50:15 PM
Well i put some descent revs on the ball, I would be considered to have some hand but an arc from it may not be bad. I have a 10 30 drill on mine.
Title: Re: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: TheBowlingKid25 on September 30, 2004, 03:57:59 PM
Oh so its over the fingers? Mine is more of a 1 o clock drilling.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!
Title: Re: Bruiser sanded question
Post by: lilphyzx on October 01, 2004, 10:09:37 AM
My drilling is not over the fingers its below and to the right of the fingers with the cg kicked to right with a small weith hole. I spoke to my driller who said that was a 10 30 drilling.