Unless you're a tournament/collegiate/or regional player you probaly can get away with three benchmark syle balls withouth needing something for the Extremes(heavy, dry, short, long). If all you have to worry about is a house shot and how it breaks down you don't need the extremes, you can just adjust and chase the oil line in with your benchmark ball. I think you could get away with a set-up like this
Heavier Side of Medium: Inferno with a fairly strong drill(for stronger backend reaction) or a polished Ultimate Inferno(for strong arcing reaction)
Mediums(and fresh house patterns): Time Zone(for more flip) or Nemesis/Bruiser (for more control)
Broken down house shots and drying heads: Monster Slay/R or the Green/Red Powergroove
-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick