Hey guys.. quick question.. or maybe not.. I've been a guy who gets a ball from whoever, and now I'm having trouble fitting balls in between or knowing when to use what at times, so I've made a choice to build a Brunswick arsenal.
I figure I will pick up 3 balls to start with..
I'm a rev dominate player, been using a 14 as of late. Ball speed is at best controlled at 15.5.. but usually around 15, but tons of side, due to the fact I have to throw off the wrong foot due to leg issues, coming around the leg, forces me to be more side to keep balance and to get around the leg. My track is medium high, but changed hand positon in the last few months, so it's not as high as it was.. tracking just right of thumb, oh right handed.
Most of the ball drillers I trust know the equipment are brunswick guys, and now that seems that brunswick has hit the angular market now, I think I want to go ahead and get a set going.
The house I bowl on can be over under, 39ft shot.. changes quickly, pretty sure some thin oil.. Tough from night to night to get a consistent shot. I have a second shift doubles league that is fried at the starting point.. I have a three step approach, so I usually take a step back to try to get some head oil, to get the ball to slide. Anyway.. Going to nationals, and starting to bowl in traveling tournaments.. so want to get a set to handle most of what I will see..
Was thinking of Alpha Max, and either a Wicked or Loaded Revolver, and then a Damage..
I currently have a Python that is too over under for me, I don't use it, 607A which is my normal house ball, a Midnight Vibe, use that on drier conditions, and a Scout Reactive for my spare.
I tend to throw more to the outside due to the getting around the leg thing, so thinking that middle ball would need to be forgiving, and figuring the middle ball would be my every night ball for league. So help me Brunswick guys what do you think I should go with...