I hate to hijack this thread, but I HAVE THROWN THE HELL RAISER!!! I'm going to review this ball in my pro shop newsletter and get a review on here too. Thanks to Robert Lawrence for the hook up with this ball.
All I can say is WOW!! This ball has some serious back end, I 've used it on 3 different sport conditions and have been able to open up the lane very much so. I can't wait to get this ball on a fresh house condition. The ball hits really hard, big back ends, very easy length. All in the box surface. 70 X 4 3/4 X 40 ( I think). Pin over the bridge, MB right of the thumb, medium hole down.
I really want to try the Reckless too, if this is the benchmark ball!!
Okay, back to your arguing!!!
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Coming Soon: BowlingDynamix.com