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Author Topic: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah  (Read 5033 times)


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Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« on: June 09, 2008, 06:46:56 PM »
Tonight in my PBA Doubles league we bowled on the Cheetah pattern. This is the second year the house has held this league...last year on this pattern I averaged 228 for the two weeks we bowled on it. I've also won on this pattern a few months ago. So I feel confident when we bowl on this pattern.

Usually, I play around 8 at the arrows out to 3-4...up the twig is a no go in our house.

I start out with a clean 196 throwing an Inferno with the pin under my middle finger cg below. It is also at 2000 grit + polish. Good, not great ball reaction so I switch to my red zone with pin above my ring mb in thumb with a flare decreasing hole. Still too much ball.

Game two clean thru the first 6 frames with one strike. finish 142...dismal! Game three 244 throwing a total drilled pin under middle finger cg in palm. Great! Forth game...160 too much ball again!

I did throw a vapor but it gave me more over under than anything in my bag.

Not to go on forever but what is a better choice, the avalanche pearl or a power groove to combat this lane condition. Thinking of drilling either one, pin above middle finger or next to the track. 5.5-6.5' to PAP.

Oh, vitals. Speed 16.5-19+ (on cheetah) 300+rev rate inverted track 4 3/4> 3/8 down. Tilt can vary depending on what release I use.

Your opinions are appreciated.
Thanks for reading!



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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 03:37:02 AM »
I played Cheetah and from my experience, some shiny PK18 ball, nothing too strong, is a very good choice. A Rampage is IMHO excellent, a Fury Pearl, even though overall stronger, a good choice if you have more speed. A polished Nemesis/Wizard could also do the trick. The Sidewinder could also be an option, but I'd assume that it is OOB already pretty strong, due to the lower RG core. It might not be the ball to go longer distances on Cheetah.
Another ball to consider - do not laugh - is the solid Power Groove, for a straight line close to the gutter and a smooth move in the back end.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 08:22:12 AM »
You may also want to consider the Avalanche Solid.  IME Cheetah on a high-friction surface still requires some recovery, which the Av Solid will give you.
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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2008, 08:26:41 AM »
You may also want to consider the Avalanche Solid.  IME Cheetah on a high-friction surface still requires some recovery, which the Av Solid will give you.

Yes, I forgot this new one! Very good choice for a short and clearly defined pattern like Cheetah, less itchy than a Rampage. Good thing about it is that you can stay aggressive with it without an over-reaction, due to the low flare core, paired with the solid PK18 coverstock.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2008, 09:33:31 AM »
Thanks guys for the input...I watched the reations of the Sidewinder and am liking what I see.

Dizzy, as for a polished Wizard, I will take my Wizard into the shop and shine it up for next week. (I was thinking of re-drilling it...but for another time) I do have a fury pearl but it was too stong, I used it the last two weeks on Shark, playing up 9-10 with slower speed 15.8 neighborhood. I was thinking of a P/G Reactive Pearl, would that be too much weaker than the Solid version?

As for the Ava...combo which one would be better? I have never thrown the 'NControl Boost cover.


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2008, 09:38:19 AM »
The Pearl is a really "weak" ball, as far as I can tell and from the commentaries at It is really good for almost dry lanes - too little for a fresh Cheetah unless you have high revs. Otherwise, IMHO the Solid is the more suitable ball, and you can still polish it up from Rough Buff OOB surface to add some more length through the heads.

The Wizard will, polished be a ball with much more overall potential, even though I could see it work well on a fresh Cheetah or slightly longer patterns.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2008, 09:55:12 AM »
The Pearl is a really "weak" ball, as far as I can tell and from the commentaries at It is really good for almost dry lanes - too little for a fresh Cheetah unless you have high revs. Otherwise, IMHO the Solid is the more suitable ball, and you can still polish it up from Rough Buff OOB surface to add some more length through the heads.

The Wizard will, polished be a ball with much more overall potential, even though I could see it work well on a fresh Cheetah or slightly longer patterns.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Those are my feelings about the Avalanche Pearl too! So much so that I think I scared myself from ever getting one. (I am trying to get over that)

So far, it's looking like I'm going to practice on thursday, taking my Wizard. Thinking about 2000+polish and I will go from there. I will read up on those Avalanches.

Keep thinking...I like everyones input.


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2008, 09:43:07 PM »
i'm sorry but i don't subscribe to the " what ball works well on the x pattern" theory. when i was bowling regionals i used every ball in my brunswick arsenal on every pattern-----it just depended upon the type of lane and the topography of those lanes. if you can change your ball speed and axis of rotation on demand you have at least doubled the size of your arsenal.


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2008, 09:47:01 PM »
Intense Inferno, if you can still find one. I love both of mine, one of the greatest inferno's brunswick ever made. Also the Blazing Inferno.
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Edited on 6/10/2008 9:47 PM


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2008, 10:15:35 PM »
A rico drilled Twisted Fury

Parker Bohn III used 2 rico TF to win this past year on the cheetah
My Arsenal:
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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2008, 12:17:22 AM »
Higher tilt players will have very good luck with their high load particle stuff. Mammoth,etc...

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2008, 10:39:26 PM »
i'm sorry but i don't subscribe to the " what ball works well on the x pattern" theory. when i was bowling regionals i used every ball in my brunswick arsenal on every pattern-----it just depended upon the type of lane and the topography of those lanes. if you can change your ball speed and axis of rotation on demand you have at least doubled the size of your arsenal.

I understand what you are saying. Believe me I had a hard time figuring out how to phrase the thread because however someone words posts, with so many people online there will always be someone that disagrees with what you say.

Monday night I with through the whole gamet of balls (6 total) varied releases, speed and still the pattern felt super short and dry. Having success on it earlier and not having it is more troubling. I know where it should be but it wasn't. My aresenal for that night just didn't give me the look I wanted. So I asked the BR group for help. Monday night just put me through the 'think tank'.

Maybe I should be asking coverstock and surface adjustment questions, I don't know. I was just throwing the idea out there. Sometimes it's better to have another set of eyes looking at the situation.



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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2008, 05:57:41 AM »
All the users around here can do is give suggestions - I hope noone here is REALLY so naive to believe that there was a system "Cheetah = ball XY" (Do we see a pattern here? Elite balls?), even with a specific drilling or surface that would create a winner out of the box. If there was such a solution, I think we would not be here.

As many bowlers you ask, the many (different) opinions you will receive. Even at a pro shop, where a keen eye might observe and your game in real life, such a suggestion would be futile - there are so many factors involved, that the best you can get here are either hints into a certain direction, or experience reports about what worked and what not for a certain player. But you cannot generalize this, just try to puzzle together a vague picture
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2008, 09:18:54 AM »
the best way to approach this situation is to have an arsenal of equipment. the bowling balls themselves aren't that much different but their surface preparation is vastly different. when i stopped bowling regionals this is what my arsenal looked like:

brunswick bvp mammoth.....always kept it very dull( between 220 grit and 500 grit) great choice for heavily oiled lanes especially on newer brunswick synthetics.

morich awesome hook.....always kept it dull( 500-1,000 abralon ). great for oily lanes

brunswick fury.....usually kept it 4,000 abralon

brunswick total inferno......4,000 abralon plus rough buff

brunswick bvp rampage......4,000 abralon and highly polished

brunswick power groove reactive.....4,000 abralon, rough buff, and highly polished

brunswick target zone.....4,000 abralon, multiple coats of rough buff and polish.


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Re: Brunswick Ball for Cheetah
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2008, 09:25:33 AM »

I would do a Avalanche Solid. Pin under with no hole. That'll be sooooooo money.
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