the best way to approach this situation is to have an arsenal of equipment. the bowling balls themselves aren't that much different but their surface preparation is vastly different. when i stopped bowling regionals this is what my arsenal looked like:
brunswick bvp mammoth.....always kept it very dull( between 220 grit and 500 grit) great choice for heavily oiled lanes especially on newer brunswick synthetics.
morich awesome hook.....always kept it dull( 500-1,000 abralon ). great for oily lanes
brunswick fury.....usually kept it 4,000 abralon
brunswick total inferno......4,000 abralon plus rough buff
brunswick bvp rampage......4,000 abralon and highly polished
brunswick power groove reactive.....4,000 abralon, rough buff, and highly polished
brunswick target zone.....4,000 abralon, multiple coats of rough buff and polish.