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Author Topic: Brunswick Balls at the USBC Open  (Read 2025 times)

Bill Thomas

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Brunswick Balls at the USBC Open
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:11:02 PM »
Looking at the following balls to take to USBC Open.  I will choose 3 plus a spare ball.  Any recommendations on which 3 to take and suface to be used on each.  I am an up the back, med rev, lower speed 71 year old.


Alpha max - pin above ring finger

Ulti-max - pin down under ring finger

Versa-max - pin down under bridge

Ultimate Inferno - pin beside ring finger



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Re: Brunswick Balls at the USBC Open
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 06:38:09 PM »
I would leave the Alpha Max at home, there is plenty of hook there. I would dull the Ulti-max to say 3000 Abralon, maybe 2000 Abralon to give you something to start team with and help tame the back end reaction. I would leave the Versa Max OOB to give you something to switch too that will push a little further down the lane. I would also put the Ultimate at about 4000 Abralon, again just to help smooth our the reaction a little more. JMHO




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Re: Brunswick Balls at the USBC Open
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 01:58:03 PM »
Definitely the versa max in box condition.  Others, would be as simple as which ones you like best on your house shots.  Versa max is a great read ball.  It would be the first ball out of my bag in team event.  It should be the easiest ball to find the pocket with.  After that make ball changes based on carry.