Besides my own of course, here are my 5 foavorite so far....In no particular order........
Page 1 - D Pat
"Don't be jealous that I've been chaating online with babes all day"
Page 2 - TroyBoy
"Ding fries are done....Ding fries are done" (you had to see the video)
Page 2 - C2
"This is da results of throwin sometin uder than Brunswick, don't let dis hapin to yew"
Page 3 - Laner7Pin
"mamma mamma says....mama....mama says bowlin' is tha devil"
Page 4 - Lottarevs
"What do you mean CG no mattah
Thar's a lotta luv in dis room.
Rob "Big Toe" LAW
I'm gettin' old, I'm hurtin', but I've got Brunswick balls.......Color me competitive.