Rev Rate ::: 300
Ball speed:::: 16 mph
Right Handed
PAP 4 3/8 over by 1/2 up
Condition:::::40 ft. House shot
This is my review of the New Entry Level Brunswick Rhino. I selectd the Black/Silver .
What I was looking for in this ball was a ball that can get me more right than I have been instead of spotting 17 out to 10 .
What I got was just what I was looking for. The New Rhino got me lined up on20 with my left foot and playing straighter than I ever have before. I can play 8 or 9 and get the ball down the lane longer than and a little sharper break down lane. This ball gave me the down lane movement without over reacting. This is going to be an excellent ball for me when the lane breks down later in the session.
This will give me the control on shorter patterns also. I will recommend the New Rhino is you are looking for a ball that is controllable and predictable as you move right and play the outside lines.
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not Brunswick Bowling .
Jim Sabatell
DV8 Regional Staff