BM, BrunsFactFin, will cover boarder ranges of grit levels. we use the cut and polish for resurfacing plastic balls, rather than using the more expensive moonshine from storm.
my center uses 80 units of prodigy on brunsproanvil and it's slick stuff, but the backends are stripped clean every oiling, so you always have strong backends.
usually for customers with decent speed, we wet sand with either green pads, or 400 grit paper depending and then polish with 320, or track's reaction plus, to give them a strong but still polished ie, energy saving reaction on there shiney stuff.
Sounds maybe like you might want to try some particle polish for your Impulse, or take storm step 1 instead, and spray some water on your towel to keep it from drying out too fast. It gives it a smooth surface and if you apply enough heat, and or time with the cloth, you'll get an almost shiney surface finish.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.