Talk about one aggressive ball. . .
It looks like a really dark Ultimate Inferno. Except the "FURY" logo, all the other logos look like they are glow in the dark.
First time I used it was after one league, 3 games. I wasnt sure how aggressive it would be, so I throw regular line(stand on middle dot, out to 1st arrow, pocket). It didint even go brooklyn. It passed the head right up. So, I end up standing against the ball return, throw it over the middle arrow, out to first arrow. BAM. pocket shot after pocket shot. 4-pins were tripped, 10's kicked out, and no solid 9's or 8's. carried very nicely. First set OOB. . .251, 279, 237=767. Very smmoth through the midlane, then has a strong continuous backend. it was slightly too aggressive to play striaght up 2 or 3 arrow, but between 1st and 2nd, it would hit the pocket solidly.
I had the Greater Louisville City Tournament this weekend, and my Fury came along for the ride. I had singles and doubles on Sat and Team on Sun.
Singles- 677
Doubles- 652
Team(just me)- 701, 2,339(as a team)
All Events- 2,030
I had the 2nd highest game, a 289, in the 701 series. It was second only to a 300. As of Sunday, I was sitting in 8th for singles, and 9th for doubles. This was out of 397 entrants. Not bad for my first city tourny. I was throwing the Fury all tourny, standing on 2 dot from the left, and throwing it out between 1st and 2nd arrow, about 15mph.
Once again, a Huge thanks goes out to the whole Brunswick team, and a thanks to Allstarbowling-joe for getting it to me before the tourny, and to BrunsNick for my stand out Total Inferno polo I was sporting the whole tourny. This was definitely a great weekend.
Ten Pin Lanes Pro Shop
St. Matthews, KY
All the New gear, All right here!
Trinity High School "A" Bowling Team
Louisville, KY
State champs- 2002 and 2003
Since I only throw Infernos, just call me the Flamethrower.
Pimpin ain't easy-it's mandatory.
Edited on 2/25/2007 2:55 PM