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Author Topic: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?  (Read 14340 times)


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Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« on: March 07, 2008, 02:36:50 AM »
I have not been on the Brunswick forum in some time.  I have not been on the Lane 1 forum until just recently.  I noticed a lot of bashing of the Lane 1 brand by the Brunswick guys.  I thought Brunswick made Lane 1 covers?  Isn't that like bashing the same company?



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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2008, 11:03:50 AM »
No prob Reno. Just had to ask.
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Edited on 3/7/2008 12:52 PM


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2008, 11:50:35 AM »
The Brunswick guys aren't bashing the brand, it's the whole cg and static weights argument.  Lane 1 is convinced they matter, and Brunswick knows they don't.  That was the theory 20 years ago.  Things have changed, and Lane 1 is still stuck in the past.  Then of course there's the whole egotistical way Lane 1 has presented themselves as the best ever, their diamond cores are completely revolutionary, their balls hit harder than any other company, and they claim that bowling with their stuff will raise your average 10 pins.  

Yeah, they make good equipment, I used to throw them, had 15+ balls once upon a time, and they were good, but not noticeably better than any other company.  The bottom line is that cg doesn't matter, because as soon as you put holes in a ball, the cg location changes, not to mention you can easily change cg location with hole placement, and static weights don't matter because 1 ounce here or there isn't going to affect a 240 ounce ball.  They're preaching false information as gospel, and it's leading to the confusion or miseducation of all kinds of people.  Since I ditched all those theories and started listening to my pro shop guy among other people, my ball reaction with new equipment is so much better than anything I ever drilled for myself with those old theories.  He can absolutely nail a reaction for me, whereas I wasn't able to do that with the cg and static weight stuff.  Drilling stuff the correct way, among thoughts and suggestions as well, has raised my composite average 10 pins from last year.
This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2008, 12:07:43 PM »
The Brunswick guys aren't bashing the brand, it's the whole cg and static weights argument.  Lane 1 is convinced they matter, and Brunswick knows they don't.  That was the theory 20 years ago.  Things have changed, and Lane 1 is still stuck in the past.  Then of course there's the whole egotistical way Lane 1 has presented themselves as the best ever, their diamond cores are completely revolutionary, their balls hit harder than any other company, and they claim that bowling with their stuff will raise your average 10 pins.  

Yeah, they make good equipment, I used to throw them, had 15+ balls once upon a time, and they were good, but not noticeably better than any other company.  The bottom line is that cg doesn't matter, because as soon as you put holes in a ball, the cg location changes, not to mention you can easily change cg location with hole placement, and static weights don't matter because 1 ounce here or there isn't going to affect a 240 ounce ball.  They're preaching false information as gospel, and it's leading to the confusion or miseducation of all kinds of people.  Since I ditched all those theories and started listening to my pro shop guy among other people, my ball reaction with new equipment is so much better than anything I ever drilled for myself with those old theories.  He can absolutely nail a reaction for me, whereas I wasn't able to do that with the cg and static weight stuff.  Drilling stuff the correct way, among thoughts and suggestions as well, has raised my composite average 10 pins from last year.
This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.

What,  what,  what are you saying.  The diamond core that they have used in their balls,  is not the best?????

What's,   what's    what's  next?   No tooth fairy,  Pigs can fly?

What's the difference from a lane one ball made in 1994,  compared to a Lane One ball made now?

The one made now,   cost more.

jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2008, 12:28:20 PM »
The Brunswick guys aren't bashing the brand, it's the whole cg and static weights argument. Lane 1 is convinced they matter, and Brunswick knows they don't.  

So then tell me Hampster, if that is the reason for all of Brunswick's bashing of Lane 1, why do they even bother to do that? Why does Brunswick even  care if Lane 1 thinks the CG matters? Why is this a problem with Brunswick?

If Brunswick wants to believe the CG DOESN'T matter, there is nothing wrong for them believing that. If Lane 1 wants to believe that CG DOES matter, there is nothing wrong with them believing that either. Lane 1 doesn't initiate the subject and attack Brunswick because Brunswick believes the CG doesn't matter, so why does Brunswick initiate the subject and attack Lane 1 because Lane 1 believes the CG does matter?

To sum it up, Why does Brunswick care what Lane 1 believes?.... Why?
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."


Edited on 3/7/2008 1:29 PM
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2008, 12:49:38 PM »
Let's take this in a Physics matter? When bowling balls were cover heavy with pancake blocks and no flare static wieghts made a difference. The heavy spot was in the same spot all the way to the pins. With todays flaring ball that are more center heavy static weights mean less. Your one once of side weight has migrated 4,5,6 inches away from the side of the ball by the time it gets to the pins anyway. Better to put the extra weight in a position to help at impact  not a release.
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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2008, 01:09:51 PM »
The Brunswick guys aren't bashing the brand, it's the whole cg and static weights argument.  Lane 1 is convinced they matter, and Brunswick knows they don't.  That was the theory 20 years ago.  Things have changed, and Lane 1 is still stuck in the past.  Then of course there's the whole egotistical way Lane 1 has presented themselves as the best ever, their diamond cores are completely revolutionary, their balls hit harder than any other company, and they claim that bowling with their stuff will raise your average 10 pins.  

Yeah, they make good equipment, I used to throw them, had 15+ balls once upon a time, and they were good, but not noticeably better than any other company.  The bottom line is that cg doesn't matter, because as soon as you put holes in a ball, the cg location changes, not to mention you can easily change cg location with hole placement, and static weights don't matter because 1 ounce here or there isn't going to affect a 240 ounce ball.  They're preaching false information as gospel, and it's leading to the confusion or miseducation of all kinds of people.  Since I ditched all those theories and started listening to my pro shop guy among other people, my ball reaction with new equipment is so much better than anything I ever drilled for myself with those old theories.  He can absolutely nail a reaction for me, whereas I wasn't able to do that with the cg and static weight stuff.  Drilling stuff the correct way, among thoughts and suggestions as well, has raised my composite average 10 pins from last year.
This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.

I'm sorry but I still don't understand why many go onto there forum and even bring up the statics debate in posts that are not even about that?

All ball company's say they have the best equipment out there, so it's not just Lane 1.

I still base my ball reactions from the pin position which is old school thinking?  I also use the MB location.  If im using a symmetrical ball, I place the pin in a location I like and kick the CG to almost 1oz if im not using a balance hole.  Does that side weight make a difference?  Maybe or maybe not, who cares?  In case it does make a difference, it's kicked right.  Now this is just me but obviously others think different.

I don't mind a debate about drilling and what not.  I just think it ruins a post if that's not what the post is about.  I was reading thru some of the LANE 1 posts and trying to sort thru all the balance hole debate replies even though it's not what the original post is about.  Why don't all of you guys just make a post about the CG debate and keep all the stuff on that.

Edited on 3/7/2008 2:32 PM


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2008, 01:24:54 PM »
Because Brunswick is concerned about the current state of the game and the spreading of inaccurate information that contributes to the further spreading of it, creating ignorant bowlers and pro shop operators.  Pro shop operators affect EVERY company, not just one.  If somebody takes either a Brunswick ball or a Lane 1 ball into a pro shop guy who lays it out and is only concerned with where the cg is at, the ball will probably suck.  Is that Brunswick or Lane 1's fault?  Not at all.  I used to drill stuff Lane 1's way, and it was hit and miss.  Now I'm having things drilled the correct way by a guy that knows what he's doing, haven't missed a layout yet, and they've all been a lot better than even when I got lucky with a drill.  Lane 1 is concerned with hype and a lot of flashy advertisement and bragging, Brunswick is concerned with getting things right, and educating people with the correct information.

The Brunswick guys aren't bashing the brand, it's the whole cg and static weights argument. Lane 1 is convinced they matter, and Brunswick knows they don't.  

So then tell me Hampster, if that is the reason for all of Brunswick's bashing of Lane 1, why do they even bother to do that? Why does Brunswick even  care if Lane 1 thinks the CG matters? Why is this a problem with Brunswick?

If Brunswick wants to believe the CG DOESN'T matter, there is nothing wrong for them believing that. If Lane 1 wants to believe that CG DOES matter, there is nothing wrong with them believing that either. Lane 1 doesn't initiate the subject and attack Brunswick because Brunswick believes the CG doesn't matter, so why does Brunswick initiate the subject and attack Lane 1 because Lane 1 believes the CG does matter?

To sum it up, Why does Brunswick care what Lane 1 believes?.... Why?
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."


Edited on 3/7/2008 1:29 PM

This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2008, 01:34:10 PM »
Hey Ric I don't know about floor mats but I do know that those 24" rims and tires and that 200Lb grill guard add 100hp at the wheels to a 6000lb gas guzzler.
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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2008, 02:28:26 PM »
Answer: because it is the internet.
AIM = y2moe99


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2008, 02:44:22 PM »
So we can blame all of the static weight/cg debate on Al Gore. Afterall, he states that he created the internet.

Answer: because it is the internet.
AIM = y2moe99

Larry Verble

Joe Jr

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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2008, 04:23:58 PM »
There are a TON of people out there that have problems with Lane 1, not just Brunswick and it's users. And most of the problems are not with the company itself, it's the people who apparently represent the company on these forums.
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

The Truth = One sad stupid little man.

Joe Jr

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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2008, 10:32:57 PM »
There are a TON of people out there that have problems with Lane 1, not just Brunswick and it's users. And most of the problems are not with the company itself, it's the people who apparently represent the company on these forums.
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

The Truth = One sad stupid little man.

????? A comment so unintelligent it is almost laughable. Most of the brunswick reps or the wannabe brunswick reps are the ones that start the ridiculing and bashing 99% of the time, and yet when someone questions brunswick for some strange reason they feel they are being picked on. Taking a look at your former user names I can almost understand how your statement makes sense in your mind.

Hey thanks for the "insult" about me in your signature Joe I just considered the source so it doesn't hurt to bad, but it obviously shows a lot about your character and morals. You fit in perfectly here in the brunswick forum since you bash and ridicule with the best of them .
Speak the Truth

Even though Joe Jr can't handle it.

Edited on 3/7/2008 10:55 PM

Ahh The "Truth" right on cue. I'm absolutely convinced that your hatred towards anything Brunswick has completely clouded your mind to the point that you hear and see whatever you want. I don't defend any of the bashing that goes on here, whether it be by Brunswick people or not, both sides have there hands dirty here. But since you have some serious issues with Brunswick it's easy for you overlook insults thrown around by T-God that most of the time is the one that takes the first swing.

I'd seriously like to know what Brunswick has done to you to get this deep under your skin, I mean it's at the point where all you do is troll around these forums and wait for a chance to bash them, you post NOWHERE else.

Oh and about my signature...I speak the truth, maybe it's you can't handle it. You've been throwing insults at me for months but when I return the favor, I"M the bad guy, the Brunswick "follower" and i'm picking on poor little helpless "Truth"...

Yawn, Your act is getting old.
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

The Truth = One sad stupid little man.


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2008, 11:51:49 PM »
who seriously cares who pours who's balls. or where a ball is poured. as long as it has a good reaction and strikes I could give two farts.

no one has the best balls, well except dynothane (lol I kid I kid) everyone has a different favorite ball, a favorite drilling, and favorite finger tip grip, a favorite cleaner... because NO TWO bowlers bowling the same way, have the same quarks, the same release, the same stamina, the same mental game, and that's what makes bowling fun.  

that is why we will always have to debate about which company makes the best ball/core/coverstock. because no two balls are alike and no ball is the best for everyone.
I miss Dyno-thane!

Edited on 3/8/2008 0:54 AM

Edited on 3/26/2008 10:02 PM

Joe Jr

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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2008, 10:11:39 AM »
LOL Joe I found your bashing comical, please don't think I was complaining or crying about it like I said earlier I just considered the source. You might agree with brunswicks move to Mexico and the way their reps act and treat other companies as well as individuals here, I don't know or care if you do or not but there are a LOT of us that don't. I'm wrong because I don't agree with their actions and chose to voice my opinion? Obviously somehow in your mind that answer is yes which is clear to see in your replies. As far as the Lane 1 guys and the brunswick boys issues with each other, when you have one certain individual that continues to go into the other forum just to provoke and agitate what do you think is going to happen? Usually when a dog gets mad enough he will bite and that seems to be the case to me in this situation. Please let me know if my opinion on this matter is wrong as I'm sure you will.

Yep same old routine, poor little "Truth" is getting picked on because he's voicing his opinions. How in that tiny very confused mind of yours is what you do on here considered voicing your opinion? All you do is bash and ridicule, you bring up Brunswick's problems in every thread in the forum.

Here's some nice examples of you "voicing your opinion";
^^ Very helpful on that one
^^Someone else looking for a suggestion and you bring up quality problems. Just looking out for the guy huh?

That's just a quick search, I did not find one post from you not directly Brunswick related.

But your not the bad guy, your just poor little "Truth" getting picked on by everyone including big bad mean me. You seriously need to get your head looked at because something ain't right up there.

I'm done arguing with you, someone in such serious need of medication is not worth the effort or time.

PS - Feel free to do a search on me and you'll notice that I don't bash other people or companies on here, your the only one I have a problem with.

My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

The Truth = One sad stupid little man.


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Re: Brunswick guys bashing the same company?
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2008, 07:20:53 PM »
Because Brunswick is concerned about the current state of the game and the spreading of inaccurate information that contributes to the further spreading of it, creating ignorant bowlers and pro shop operators.
Brunswick should be concerned because they are the ones screwing it up. They  started it with the PHANTOM ball drillings and the BALL OF THE MONTH CLUB..!!

Brunswick is concerned with getting things right, and educating people with the correct information.
I'm sorry, but Brunswick doesn't care about getting things right. See below...

the Lane #1 guys that hide behind screen names, follow those around and make sure to post about how what Brunswick say is BS. I do not hide behind a screen name. I say what I say and I can back it up.
Lane #1 guys don't follow around the Brunswick guys. It's completely the opposite. Brunswick guys are the ones who started it all and continue to do it.

I don't ever say that what Brunswick says is BS. It's the other way around..!! And, when Brunswick/their reps say something that is BS and/or wrong, I only call them on it. And you my friend, just run and hide. You're too holier than thou to admit the mistake..!! Does this sound like they care about GETTING THINGS RIGHT..? Ric, Would you like me to go back and bring your errors up again..?

"The effect of static weights, in ball reaction, is the equivalent of removing the floor mats, from your SUV, to get better gas mileage."
Here is you tossing out jabs to Lane #1 everytime in your signature. That's what all the Brunswick guys do and SHOWS NO CLASS..!!

Plus, the one you have makes no sense and just shows everyone how stupid you people really are..!!

Your signature should say..."The effect of static weights, in ball reaction, is the equivalent of placing 1/2 oz. weights on rims to balance the wheels."

Maybe I'll start using it..? =:^D

Lane 1 is concerned with hype and a lot of flashy advertisement and bragging, Brunswick is concerned with getting things right, and educating people with the correct information.
Lane #1 is more concerned about educating people with correct information. The correct information is that it does matter to some degree and Lane #1 will teach you how to use it and make it work for you, for the extra 2-3-5% you will benefit. Brunswick is the one that doesn't want this info to get out and are keeping the pro shops uneducated..!! =:^D

Edited on 3/9/2008 7:23 PM