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Author Topic: Brunswick in Mexico  (Read 5980 times)


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Brunswick in Mexico
« on: July 01, 2005, 03:22:39 AM »
I heard a rumor Brunswick was moving all factories to Mexico. If this is true. I will be changing my line of balls. Plenty of bowling balls being made in the great U.S.A.



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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2005, 11:43:42 AM »
Why does it matter where the balls are being made. almost everything is getting outsourced to other parts of the world that are able to provide cheaper labour it just makes economic sense. Are you not going to drive because pieces of every car are made in China or Mexico. Are you not going to get dressed because your clothes are made in India or pakistan. It makes economic sense for brunswick to make there bowling balls in mexico where they can have cheaper labour without unions. Maybe brnswick will pass on the discount in the money they are saving to the consumers.


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2005, 11:51:38 AM »
My understanding is that it will be in a border town between Texas/Mexico.  Cross the border and you will be in the town where the ball will be manufactured.


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2005, 12:07:36 PM »
Has anyone thought that it's the new way to smuggle illegals into the country? j/k


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2005, 12:45:54 PM »
Why does it matter where the balls are being made. almost everything is getting outsourced to other parts of the world that are able to provide cheaper labour it just makes economic sense. Are you not going to drive because pieces of every car are made in China or Mexico. Are you not going to get dressed because your clothes are made in India or pakistan. It makes economic sense for brunswick to make there bowling balls in mexico where they can have cheaper labour without unions. Maybe brnswick will pass on the discount in the money they are saving to the consumers.
                                                                                        It matters because of jobs being lost in the US. Other ball companys are still in the US so why not buy those and keep Americans working. Do you want your place of business to end up in Mexico. I DO NOT! If jobs keep getting outsourced to other parts of the world nobody in the US  will have jobs!!

Edited on 7/1/2005 12:54 PM


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2005, 01:16:26 PM »
We all agree that it sucks they are moving the plant and American jobs could be cut. But I have not seen many people looking at the positives of this. As it has been stated they are going to be moving into a brand new building with brand new equipment. That means potentional of better equipment. For everyone saying they are not going to use Brunswick just because they are moving the plant sounds like you need to grow up a little. Why not wait and see what the product is like once the plant is up and running. If product quality is down then I can see you not using their equipment.


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2005, 01:36:14 PM »
We all agree that it sucks they are moving the plant and American jobs could be cut. But I have not seen many people looking at the positives of this. As it has been stated they are going to be moving into a brand new building with brand new equipment. That means potentional of better equipment. For everyone saying they are not going to use Brunswick just because they are moving the plant sounds like you need to grow up a little. Why not wait and see what the product is like once the plant is up and running. If product quality is down then I can see you not using their equipment.

They could have built a new factory in the US.


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2005, 01:46:52 PM »
the bottom line is american company's dont want to pay good workers there money so they will move to mexico to save money for the same work but the quality surley will go down balls will start cracking, they will be shippied with blemishes, some will come with no cores, bottom line cheaper will not mean same quality of work as before. then it will be the down fall of brunswick bussiness. who wants to buy a ball from a company who's got problems meeting quality standards? i know not me thus brunswick will be in trouble love thier product but if i start getting crappy balls because of the way thier made going to have to go else where. and no the price is still going to be the same as always!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2005, 01:57:07 PM »
Does this mean that with every new Brunswick ball purchase that you will also recieve a coupon for a free chalupa from Taco Bell.Hey Brunswick Nation 3 words for you ........VIVE LA MEXICO

Nah, they'll just be smuggled in by being stuffed into dashboards, packed into box trucks, etc...

Edited on 7/1/2005 1:54 PM


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2005, 01:58:58 PM »
a free chlupa in every ball box and a burrito for every 50
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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2005, 07:33:22 PM »
Charles 76

why would quality go down if it's made in mexico do you think that the typical american factory worker thinks anymore about quality then a mexican. They both work to get paid and although there pay is different so is there cost of living. I think your being ignorant by saying that quality control will go down because there moving to mexico. Remeber brunswick still is a multi billion dollar company that has reasearched this and are not just going to stupidly throw there money away. If your mad that the United States is losing jobs that's fine but don't slam on mexico and brunswick on something that you have no knowledge about.

Edited on 7/1/2005 11:41 PM


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2005, 11:11:15 PM »
Do I disagree with Big B's move to Mexico?  Yes.  

Do I understand it?  Yes.

You all can thank Bill Clinton for this and every other american business that has moved its company overseas to save on labor costs.  I'll continue to purchase Brunswick until I see a significant decrease in product durability and value.

I, as I am sure most of us do, have 100's of items made overseas.  There aren't that many things made in the USA today.  Thats a fact....a sad fact.


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2005, 12:26:30 AM »
"We all agree that it sucks they are moving the plant and American jobs could be cut. But I have not seen many people looking at the positives of this. As it has been stated they are going to be moving into a brand new building with brand new equipment. That means potentional of better equipment. For everyone saying they are not going to use Brunswick just because they are moving the plant sounds like you need to grow up a little. Why not wait and see what the product is like once the plant is up and running. If product quality is down then I can see you not using their equipment."


The reason to "not wait and see...." is simple: WHEN WILL IT ALL STOP? WHEN WILL WE PUT OUR FOOT DOWN AND SAY NO MORE?

Brunswick is going to move, pay less to have the equipment made. Do you really think that their savings will be passed to the bowler? NO WAY!

When Linds moved I heard the same stuff being said by bowlers. Now the rumor is that Linds will be moving back because their quality at their new plant went down.

I do not mean this to offensive to any other nation, but when you think of 10 pin bowling you think of "THE USA". Moving a bowling ball manufacturing plant away from the United States should bring that company all of the heat that it seems to be bringing Brunswick.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2005, 10:21:52 AM »
"We all agree that it sucks they are moving the plant and American jobs could be cut. But I have not seen many people looking at the positives of this. As it has been stated they are going to be moving into a brand new building with brand new equipment. That means potentional of better equipment. For everyone saying they are not going to use Brunswick just because they are moving the plant sounds like you need to grow up a little. Why not wait and see what the product is like once the plant is up and running. If product quality is down then I can see you not using their equipment."


The reason to "not wait and see...." is simple: WHEN WILL IT ALL STOP? WHEN WILL WE PUT OUR FOOT DOWN AND SAY NO MORE?

Brunswick is going to move, pay less to have the equipment made. Do you really think that their savings will be passed to the bowler? NO WAY!

When Linds moved I heard the same stuff being said by bowlers. Now the rumor is that Linds will be moving back because their quality at their new plant went down.

I do not mean this to offensive to any other nation, but when you think of 10 pin bowling you think of "THE USA". Moving a bowling ball manufacturing plant away from the United States should bring that company all of the heat that it seems to be bringing Brunswick.

Ok so Linds' quality went down. Did they do anything to prevent it? That is a question that many of us don't know. For those of you that are using Dexter's where are they made? I am sure it is not in the USA. Come on if we are all ADULTS let's act like it.


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Re: Brunswick in Mexico
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2005, 10:58:17 AM »
The point is simple put that existing American workers are losing their jobs so big Brunswick can make an extra couple million dollars. Having been in this position of the great nafta, North American Free trade Act, where I to lost my job when they shut my plant down maybe I have a different opinion. So as I see see Brunswick can go to Hell. I am now a current pro shop operater and my opinion of these balls have greatly changed. And I really don't care how great their product is I will look at it with a different point of view. As many great American workers are left flat on their face so Big Brunswick can make the almighty dollar. And I really am curious to see if the cost is truly going to decrease.