I posted earlier about how I found a PBA Inferno on accident and drilled it up. I have never had a ball rev up and hit as hard as the ball did. I was very impressed, so I figured I would try another Brunswick ball (seeing as the only other ball I had was a Power Groove... woo).
My friend had an Ambush that he didn't want so I plugged the thumb and left the pin where it was (about a inch to the right, about 3 o'clock from my ring) and wow. I build it up to 2000 sanded (no polish) and threw it on our house shot and what a ball. I am very excited to try this out on our "Shot of the Week" league on Monday night. Predictable and a very strong move to the pocket without a lot of over reaction. I have been a storm guy for a long time, but I am very quickly beginning to see that Brunswick has a few gems of their own.
Northside Pro Shop Staff