If you don not like nervous, late stuff, stay away from the Punisher or Smokin' Inferno. Flip beasts. From the gap you describe I'd suggest a Rampage, but it is pearl PK18 and could be quite nervous, too.
Another idea of mine beyond "ball out of the box works fine" is a polished or high grit (1500 grit+) BVP Nemesis - more length than OOB, but a touch smoother than the Rampage. Consider an early roll drilling like 2E. Should be something you like.
An alternative to this "operation" could be the Black Sparkle Particle Power Groove - same surface prep, higher RG, but a light particle load which smoothes out recation, too. OOB it should be too much, too, but with some polish it could work fine. The PGs are pretty strong balls, never underestimate them.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
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Edited on 1/11/2006 9:44 AM