Richard VanScoyk
My Rev’s are about 350.
My ball speed is about 17-18 Mph
What works with the Nexus Solid is:
1. Medium to heavy house shot condition
2. On Late carry-down on medium house shot conditions
* I weakened my hand position and moved left. This created a better
entry angle for me to carry the ten pin.
3. Stronger hand position before transition.
4. Weaker hand position during carry-down.
5. Depending on the house: I have been playing about 17 to 7ish.
What doesn't work with the ball with the Nexus Solid is:
1. This ball seemed too aggressive when I changed to a stronger hand
position during transition.
2. Can’t make it through three games at league. Depending on the
bowling alley, the heads dry up too quickly for this ball.
3. It is hard to keep up with the moves with this ball, because the oil dries
up quick.