What is your favorite Brunswick Heavy Oil Ball? 1. Scorchin inferno
2. Absolute Inferno
3. Scorchin Inferno
4. Strike Zone
5. Fuze Detonator
6. Ultimae Inferno
7. Ultimate Inferno
9. Ultimate
10. Scorchin Inferno
11. Ultimate Inferno
12. absolute inferno
13. Ultimate Inferno
14. Warp Zone
15. Scorchin Inferno
16. danger zone
17. Scorchin' Inferno
18. Ultimate Inferno
19. Scorchin Inferno
20. Strike Zone
21. Strike Zone
22. ultimate inferno
23. Ultimate Inferno
24. Scorchin Inferno
25. Strike Zone
26. swamp moster
27. Strike Zone
28. Purple Proactive Monster
29. Command Zone(Green)
30. Ultimate Inferno
31. scorchin inferno
34. Absolute inferno
35. Scorchin Inferno
36. ultimate inferno
37. Ultimate Inferno
38. Speed Zone
39. Warp Zone
40. Swamp Monster
41. Danger Zone
42. Strike Zone
43. Ultimate Inferno
44. Demolition Zone
45. Strike Zone
46. Ultimate Inferno
47. Scorchin Inferno
48. Fuze Eliminator
49. Ultimate Inferno
50. Ultimate Inferno
52. Strike Zone
53. Ultimate Inferno
54. Scorchin Inferno
55. Swamp Monster
56. warp zone
57. Monster Smash/R
58. Strike Zone
59. Brimstone Monster
60. Ultimate Inferno
61. Strike Zone
62. Scorchin' Inferno
63. Ultimate Inferno
64. Ultimate Inferno
65. Danger Zone Pro HPH
66. Scorchin' Inferno
67. Strike Zone
68. Scorchin Inferno
69. strike zone
70. Scorchin Inferno
71. Scorchin' Inferno
72. Scorchin Inferno
73. Ultimate Inferno
74. Strike Zone
75. Scorchin Inferno
76. Ultimate Inferno
77. Warp Zone
78. Scorchin inferno
79. Strike Zone
80. Warp Zone
81. ultimate inferno
82. Ultimate Inferno
83. ultimate inferno
84. ultinate inferno
85. swamp monster
86. Ultimate Inferno
87. Strike Zone
88. Warp Zone
89. ultimate
90. Strike Zone
91. scorchin inferno
92. N/A
93. Scorchin' Inferno
94. Ultimate Inferno
95. Scorchin Inferno
96. Scorchin Inferno
97. Scorchin Inferno
98. ultimate inferno
99. Scorchin
100. Strike Zone
What is your favorite Brunswick Medium/Heavy Oil Ball? 1. Ultimate inferno
2. Danger Zone
3. Polished Ultimute Inferno
4. AI
5. Vapor Zone
6. Ultimate Inferno
7. Absolute Inferno
9. Absolute
10. Vapor Zone
11. Absolute Inferno
12. eliminator
13. Impulse Zone
14. Vapour Zone
15. Original Inferno
16. danger zone
17. Absolute Inferno (sanded)
18. Absolute Inferno
19. Absolute
20. Smokin Inferno
21. Absolute Inferno
22. red alert
23. Shock-Zone
24. Ragin Inferno
25. Absolute Inferno
26. Fuze Eliminator
27. Absolute
28. Ultimate Inferno
29. N/A
30. Strike Zone
31. Strike Zone
34. Absolute inferno
35. Quantum Raven
36. Nemesis
37. Absolute Inferno
38. Ragin Inferno
39. BVP Nemesis/Danger Zone
40. Strike Zone
41. Smash/R
42. Absolute inferno
43. Absolute Inferno
44. Combat Zone
45. Origional Inferno
46. Absolute
47. Vapor Zone
48. Fuze Eliminator (it is that versatile)
49. Fuze Eliminator
50. Zone Classic
52. Strike Zone
53. Inferno
54. Vapor Zone
55. Ambush
56. vapor zone
57. Strike Zone
58. Sapphire Zone
59. Monster SmashR
60. Majestic Zone II
61. Absolute Inferno
62. Absolute Inferno
63. Raging Inferno
64. Classic Zone
65. Ultimate Inferno
66. Absolute Inferno
67. Ambush
68. Raging Inferno
69. bvp ambush
70. Ultimate Inferno
71. Absolute Inferno
72. Vapor Zone
73. Eliminator
74. Vapor Zone
75. Absolute Inferno
76. Ambush
77. Vapor Zone
78. Absoluta Inferno
79. Vapor Zone
80. Smash/R
81. impulze zone
82. Absolute Inferno
83. absolute inferno
84. absolute inferno
85. absolute inferno
86. Absolute Inferno
87. Absolute Inferno
88. Ultimate Inferno
89. stike zone
90. Absolute Inferno
91. vaporzone
92. Sapphire Zone
93. Classic Zone
94. Battle Zone Missle
95. Absolute Inferno
96. Vapor Zone
97. Absolute Inferno
98. absolute inferno
99. Absolute
100. Absolute Inferno
What is your favorite Brunswick Medium Oil Ball? 1. Absolute inferno
2. Original Inferno
3. Orginal Inferno
4. OI
5. Fuze Raging Red
6. Inferno
7. Ambush
9. Monster ScreamR
10. Zone Classic
11. Monster Red/Black
12. inferno
13. BVP Rampage!!
14. Blazing Inferno
15. Zone Classic Green Pin
16. nemisis
17. Absolute Inferno (polished)
18. Orignal Inferno
19. Punsiher
20. Absolute Inferno
21. Vapor Zone
22. absolute inferno
23. Demo-Zone/OI
24. Original Inferno
25. Inferno
26. X-Zone TE 1
27. Rampage
28. Raging Red Fuze
29. Black Rhino Pro
30. Inferno
31. Vapor Zone
32. OI
34. Danger zone
35. Monster Slayer
36. Smokin inferno
37. Absolute Inferno
38. X Zone Hi Diff
39. Absolute Inferno
40. Absolute Inferno
41. Original Inferno
42. Inferno
43. Zone Classic
44. Danger Zone
45. Rhino Pro le
46. Punisher
47. Quantum Fire
48. Raging Red Fuze
49. Zone Classic
50. Zone Classic
52. Zone Classic
53. Smokin Inferno
54. Zone Classic
55. Monster Bruiser
56. time zone
57. Absolute Inferno
58. Pearl Sapphire Zone
59. BVP Ambush
60. intense inferno
61. Original Inferno
62. Inferno
63. Original Inferno
64. Battle Zone Missile
65. Original Inferno
66. Intense Inferno/Smokin' Inferno
67. Vapor Zone
68. Vapor Zone
69. zone classic
70. Absolute Inferno
71. Inferno
72. Original Inferno
73. Original Inferno
74. Classic Zone
75. Strike Zone
76. Rampage
77. Rhino Pro Teal
78. Vapor Zone
79. Vapor Zone
80. Danger Zone
81. classic zone
82. Absolute Inferno
83. dangerzone
84. classic zone
85. original inferno
86. Zone Classic
87. Danger Zone
88. Absolute Inferno
89. absolute
90. Zone Classic
91. inferno
92. Danger Zone/Fuze Eliminator
93. Fire Quantum
94. Zone Classic
95. Zone Classic
96. Original Inferno
97. Original Inferno
98. absolute inferno
99. Zone Classic
100. Zone Classic
What is your favorite Brunswick Medium/Light Oil Ball? 1. none
2. Combat Zone Tracer
3. Smokin Inferno
4. Power Groove Reactive
5. Blazing Inferno
6. Inferno
7. Punisher
9. Purple Fuze
10. Rampage
11. Punisher
12. smoking inferno
13. Brunswick Power Groove Dry/R
14. Battle Zone Bullet
15. BVP Punisher
16. nemisis
17. BVP Punisher
18. Intense Inferno
19. Rampage
20. Zone Classic
21. Zone Classic
22. blazing inferno
23. Original Inferno
24. Zone Classic (Green Pin)
25. Impulse Zone
26. X-Zone TE 2
27. Punisher
28. Battle Zone Bullet
29. Blazing Inferno
30. Rampage
31. Classic zone
34. Power groove
35. Monster Scream/R
36. punisher
37. N/A
38. ScreamR
39. Original Inferno
40. SlayR
41. don't really know
42. Monster slay R
43. Danger Zone
44. Combat Zone Tracer
45. Teal Rhino Pro
46. N/A
47. N/A
48. Fuze Igniter (yes, and I miss its performance in the assortment for 3 years)
49. Smokin Inferno
50. Red Alert 300
52. Zone Classic
53. Time Zone
54. Vapor Zone(drilled negative pin positive cg)
55. Vapor Zone
56. bvp punisher
57. Original Inferno
58. Gold Rhino Pro
59. Zone Classic
60. zone classic
61. Punisher
62. Punisher
63. Time Zone
64. Control Zone
65. BVP Ambush
66. Original Inferno
67. Rampage
68. Smokin Inferno
69. vapor zone
70. Smokin Inferno
71. Nemesis (polished)
72. Gold Rhino Pro
73. Power Groove Reactive Pearl
74. Punisher
75. BVP Punisher
76. Power Groove
77. BVP Rampage
78. Smokin Inferno
79. Classic Zone
80. Fuze Purple Pearl
81. rampage
82. Smokin Inferno
83. monster screamr
84. punisher
85. bvp punisher
86. Rampage
87. Sapphire Zone/Purple Rhino Pro
88. Original Inferno
89. classic zone
90. Zone Classic/Punisher
91. inferno
92. Fuze Purple Pearl
93. Monster Red/Black
94. Combat Zone Tracer
95. Smokin' Inferno
96. BVP Rampage
97. Blazing Inferno
98. gold rhino pro
99. Punisher
100. LT-48 Gold
What is your favorite Brunswick Light Oil Ball? 1. Monster Slayr
2. Quantum Elite LE
3. Smokin Inferno
4. Groove Urethane
5. Power Groove
6. Saphire Zone
7. Punisher
9. Power Groove Dry/R
10. Rampage
11. Punisher
12. purple fuze
13. Brunswick Power Groove Dry/R
14. Power groove Dry/R
15. Zone Classic Red Pin
16. rampage
17. BVP Punisher
18. Powergroove Dry/R
19. Power Grove
20. Power Groove
21. X Zone Green Pin
22. power groove dry r
23. SmashR
24. Zone Classic (Red Pin)
25. Charcol Zone?
26. X-Zone Low Diff.
27. Target
28. Monster Scream/R (
29. Contact Zone
30. Power Groove
31. power groove
34. Miami dolphin spare
35. Intense Inferno
36. DRy'r
37. N/A
38. Power Groove Yellow/Chrome
39. Power Groove Dry/R
40. Dry/R
41. Power Groove Dry/R
42. Teal Rhino Pro
43. Power Groove Dry/R
44. Shock Zone
45. Gold Rhino Pro
46. N/A
47. Power Groove
48. Power Groove (pearl reactive)
49. Punisher
50. Rhino Pro T2
51. NONE
52. DryR
53. Power Groove
54. none
55. Monster Slay/R
56. monster frenzy
57. Rampage
58. black pearl Rhino
59. Purple Pearl Fuze
60. monster green/black
61. Power Groove Teal/Orange
62. Power Groove
63. Monster Slayer
64. Power Groove
65. Blazing Inferno
66. Blazing Inferno
67. Punisher
68. BVP Punisher
69. monster green/black
70. Punisher
71. Monster Green/Black
72. Power Groove
73. Grizz!!!!!!111
74. Power Groove Dry/r
75. Power Groove Dry/R
76. Dry/R
77. Monster SlayR
78. BVP Punisher
79. Classic Zone
80. Groove Urethane
81. target zone (dont like power grooves)
82. SlayR
83. red alert LTD
84. dry/r
85. monster slay/r
86. Power Groove Teal/Purple
87. Power Groove
88. Monster Frenzy
89. punisher
90. Rhino Pro Teal
91. dryr
92. N/A
93. Grizz!!!
94. Power Groove Urethane
95. PG Dry/r
96. BVP Punisher
97. Blazing Inferno HARD
98. power groove dry r
99. DRY/R
100. Monster R/B
Enter a Core/Cover combo you would like Brunswick to make. 1. Activator Max with Zone core
2. [Inferno Helix] Urethane Stripe & Activator Caps w/ Inferno Core
3. BVP with any actvator
4. powerkoil18 (solid and pearl mixed), around a Zone or Inferno core...
5. RRF Core/Activator Max
6. Origional inferno core with a urethane cover
7. BVP core w/ Activator Plus
8. zone classic cover, punisher core
9. Zone Asy/PK18
10. Zone assymetrical and activator max
11. Inferno Core / Punisher Coverstock
12. bvp core activator cover
13. Anything with the Activator Cover and the Core of the Rampage.
14. Inferno core / Powercoil LS
15. N/A
16. N/A
17. BVP core with Activator
18. Vapor Zone Core/Smokin Inferno Cover
19. Activator cover with twister coew
20. Inferno Core / Low - Load Particle Coverstock
21. X Zone/Activator Plus
22. no opionion
23. mushroom/activator
24. Activator MAX with Powerkoil 18
25. Original Zone Cover / Ultimate Inferno Core
26. Strike Zone core/Powerkoil 18
27. Zone/Ambush
28. Inferno core/Aggressive Reactive cover
29. N/A
30. Strike Zone Core/ Powersurge Cover
31. anlready on the market vapor zone
34. Activator Particle/mushroom core
35. Mushroom Core w/ Activator cover
36. Punisher core Absolute cover
37. Mushroom/Activator+
38. DangerZone/Activator
39. Danger Zone core/PK18 cover
40. Danger Zone core/Inferno cover
41. don't really know
42. Fuze Eliminator
43. Classic Zone/Activator Max
44. Inferno Core and Punisher coverstock
45. rhino teal core/ activator cover
46. Absolute core with an actavator particle coverstock.
47. mushroom/pearl
48. Inferno or asym. Zone core (low RG) with Activator light load particle pearl
49. assymetric core/activator max cover
50. Power Groove/Activator + with Rough Buff
52. Current Zone core/PK18 Solid
53. Geometrically Balanced/ Activator
54. BVP Core and Original Activator Coverstock
55. Powerkoil 18 with Original Inferno Core
56. purple rhino pro core and with a inferno cover
57. Strike Zone Core/ Activator Max
58. Quantum mushroom with Activator
59. Activator MAX/Purple Fuze Core
60. quantum core/powerkoil 22
61. The One and The Zones Core
62. Warp Zone cover / Intense Inferno Core
63. original inferno core with monster brimstone cover
64. Activator Pearl Fire Quantum Core
65. Inferno Core/ clear polyester
66. Powerkoil/Inferno Core
67. Plastic Coverstock with Mushroom core
68. Activator Maxx w/ Zone Core
69. pk18 or 17 and one core
70. Activator Max and Zone Classic Core
71. Inverted bell core with pearl urethane coverstock
72. Ambush Coverstock with the Original Infenro Core
73. Inferno core/PowrSurge Pearl
74. Zone Asym core/Pearl Activator Maxx
75. Pk-18 and acvtivator MAX
76. NA
77. Original Inferno core/PowrKoil 18
78. Inerno Core around the nemises' PK18 Reactive cover
79. N/A
80. Classic Zone Core/Medium Load Particle from the Warp Zone
81. inferno core/ power koil 18
82. Original Inferno core/ activator plus cover
83. no preference
84. classic zone core/activator max
85. rhno pro le core/ activator coverstock
86. Impulse Zone core with Activator Advance
87. Zone core Scorchin cover
88. High Perf Asym. addition to Inferno Line
89. bvp/solid activator
90. PK18 Pearl/Solid mix on the ZC core
91. mushroom core/activator
92. Just about any core with Power Koil 17 or 18
93. Zone Classic Core/Powrsurge Cover
94. Zone Asymmetric / ActivatorMAX pearl
95. Classic core with a clear plastic cover
96. Original Activator, BVP Core
97. Asymmetric Core / PK 18 Pearl
98. lane 1 accu tread
99. N/A
100. Zone Core/Ambush cover
Enter a Ball Brunswick Should Remake. 1. none
2. Combat Zone
3. Orginal Infenro
4. OI
5. Double Helix
6. Saphire Zone
7. Purple Rhino Pro
9. Original Inferno
10. Teal Rhino
11. Blazing Inferno
12. inferno
13. Original Inferno.
14. Gold Rino Pro
15. Original Inferno
16. danger zone
17. Original Inferno
18. Orignal Inferno
19. Rhino
20. Boiling Inferno
21. Command Zone
22. rhino
23. Original Danger Zone
24. Original Inferno
25. Original Black Zone
26. X-Zone TE 1
27. Sapphire
28. N/A
29. Rhino (any version)
30. Combat Zone or Inferno
31. Ragin red Fuze
32. OI
34. Monster frenzy
35. Quantum Raven
36. Orig Inferno
37. Time Zone
38. Gold Rhino Pro
39. Forest Green Quantum
40. Gold Rhino Pro
41. Smash/R
42. Original Inferno
43. Gold Rhino Pro
44. Combat Zone Tracer
45. combat zone or original inferno
46. Fuze Eliminator
47. Quantum Double Helix
48. Fuze Eliminator! A must for ressurection! Maybe with a better color...
49. Zone Classic
50. Rhino Pro - Teal
52. Purple Rhino Pro
53. Inferno or Time Zone
54. Original Inferno or Shock Zone
55. Inferno
56. purple rhino pro
57. Original Inferno
58. Inferno
59. Command Zone ARC
60. saphire zone
61. Monster Bruiser
62. Monster Bruiser
63. Danger Zone
64. Battle Zone Missile
65. Original Inferno
66. Original Inferno
67. Fuze Purple Pearl
68. Fine Tuned Raging Inferno
69. command zone arc
70. Original Inferno
71. Sapphire Zone
72. Original Inferno
73. Gold Rhino Pro
74. Attitude III
75. Orginal Inferno
76. Twister w/Activator
77. Command Zone Arc
78. Raging Inferno
79. Original Inferno
80. Raging Red Fuze
81. saphire zone
82. Power Blitz
83. Black Ice Dangerzone
84. time zone
85. original inferno
87. Original Inferno
88. Original Inferno
89. none
90. Quantums
91. inferno
92. Danger Zone!!!
93. Helix (With a urethane strip and Activator MAX ends)
94. Danger Zone Red Alert
95. RPG
96. Original Inferno
97. Quantum Line
98. gold rhino pro
99. Original Inferno
100. Danger Zone
Please Enter Your Screen Name Used On BallReviews.com 1. phoneman
2. MegaMav
3. Shepd1999
4. *chooses not to say*
5. infin
6. 98custom
7. Big Bad B Bowler
8. brunsnick
10. Akealon
11. dar81281
13. TxStateBowler
14. MaidenheadBandit
15. Vurapure
16. tipgrinder
17. Let It Bleed
18. monstercrank
19. 2hAnDeDbOwLr824
20. stormer119
21. Bowlingstickboy
22. bumper
23. Jesse James
24. BowlerKid
25. And1_Headach
26. Yeahhossnv
27. leftyinthezone
28. Bob Hylka
29. warren300
30. Ironhorse
31. next level ps
34. slimeypebble
35. Long Roller
36. xxzonexx
37. kingpin268
38. 9orbetter
39. HammerBowler(they deleted me but i still troll around)
40. Mr Bass
41. mumzie
42. dont have one
43. Sportwood24
44. lane1convert
45. brian green
46. BrunsBowler
47. rmarth1983
48. dizzyfugu
49. LJA1215
50. SKC
52. Richard Cranium
53. sdbowler
54. elliotts
55. northface28
56. michael hollaway
57. donnydeutch
58. Crankenstein300
59. Canuck
60. lane1BOMB
61. bowlingpimp243
62. thehurricane
63. Tons of Fun73
64. DanSweet
65. rc1216
66. Loudstriker
67. Marcius
68. Bowler247
69. brunsdustin
70. magicmike11
71. Ta 152
72. Traumatize
73. a_ak57
74. BallsDeep
75. Stormwickbowler758
76. SGC300
77. Bracket Creep
78. HXC Bowler
79. Laufaye
80. AlexisonFire
81. councilator
84. zone72
86. laner7pin
87. BrunsRicH
88. FranVarin
89. headwest
90. D Pat
91. coleman
92. mench
93. BrunsNick
94. icetink
95. conspirator300
96. BVP Inferno
97. RotoMan
98. future155
99. Hotshot187
100. Inverted 1
Edited on 5/1/2006 4:31 PM