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Author Topic: Brunswick Perfect Mindset (WWRD 10/19/2023)  (Read 3843 times)

Juan Fonseca

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Brunswick Perfect Mindset (WWRD 10/19/2023)
« on: October 02, 2023, 02:13:27 PM »
Brunswick Perfect Mindset  @15lbs  2.487  .050  .021  DynamiCore/D.O.T./HK22
WWRD 10/19/2023   12-16 lbs       Alternate cores 12-13 lbs
Core- Mindset      Coverstock- HK22 Evolution Hybrid (NEW)
The Brunswick Mindset is the go to ball for Brunswick Pro Staffers on heavy volumes and speed dominant tournament bowlers. The higher performance traction equipment from all brands can be too strong for most league volumes and we see them roll forward too early which affect pin carry. By using the Evolution Hybrid (Quantum Evo Hybrid) package and teaming it with HK22, you will see a very adjustable cover that fits between the original Mindset and Infinity. The motion will be close and cleaner but will have a sharper directional change than the original.
Box Surface- 500/1000/3000 Siaair   Color- Black/Purple/Melon
Recommended Cleaner: Reaction Recharge
Juan Fonseca
Fill The Frames Bowling Services