Hey BR Family & Brunswick Nation,
I am geekin' over the fact that I might have a Red Zone by tommorrow. We laid it out yesterday and I decided on pin under the bridge with the PSA/MB at about 60 degrees.
This layout will be similar to Dan's (D Pat) below.
http://www.bowlingkingdom.com/persimages/userupload/RedZone.jpgI wanted to set this up in a way in which I can have the ball read the mids and give me a continuous arcing motion on the back (as opposed to flippy).
Actual pics will be up soon & Video as well!
If things go well with a used Scorchin' I just picked up (Will find out if I clip the middle finger or thumb), I might do a comparison Vid between the two.
Take er' easy,
The Candy Man
Rammy Davis Jr.