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Author Topic: Brunswick Ringer Solid, LT 48 Vintage and the Tropical Heat Black Purple  (Read 2604 times)


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Got Some Great Deals and got the opportunity to test all 3 of these top hat house shot balls.  All 3 can handle your house shot wet dry.

All 3 cores are near 2.55 rg and diffs of near .38.  Theoretically each will have similar flare numbers and push factors.

All 3 are drilled between 4.5 pin to Pap and 5 pin to PAP.  Each has the CG out towards my PAP slightly Ringer solid and the Tropical Heat less out than the LT 48.

The LT 47 has the pin up the highest close to the VAL say 1 inch pin to VAL.

Bottom line each is good, very good and each is different.

Observations, box coverstock of the Ringer Solid is the Strongest in the heads when 2000 OOB surface.  The Tropical heat at 2000 is strong also.  Both need to be polished!  The LT48 in it's out of box cover polished is really clean.  It stays clean/cleaner than the other two.  Great push.

Each ball has clear cut strengths and a strong thrower I believe can score big with any of the 3 on house crowns.  Real big!

1.  Tropical when surfaced to 3000 and polished has lots of push, lots of midlane and the most recovery of all 3.  It can be pulled into the crown and held or pushed way out to the gutter and will recover!  Carry is good but seems to leave more 6 pins and 7 pins than the other two!  But it also has more recovery!
2.  Ringer Blue took more surface adjustments to dial it in, but once made right it really can make one think bowling on a crown is not exciting but high scoring could be really easy.  This ball seems to have trouble pushing compared to the others a little less pure jump off the back but it likes to square up very nicely in the midlane from it's strong coverstock and then ROLL flush right in to the pocket.  When the way to the pocket is found the flush ness of the pocket hits leaves no pins shot after shot and there is area both at the arrows and at the breakpoint!
3.  LT 48.  This coverstock has a lot of smooth push for a solid.  A ball that this reminds me of is the Demolition Zone of years ago!  I loved it, but it had more flare.
This LT47 easy  pushy solid is known to be quite angular but despite a very high up pin position a large weighthole on my Pap still leaves angularity but also control and hit!  This ball unlike the the Tropical Heat has a little less rev up, a little less midlane and will not recover from real wide shots to the outside!  But it seems to have plenty of angularity combined with hit.  Where many angular balls leave single pins this one does not give all over the place recovery to the pocket it has a high quotient of kicking out the 7 pin and carry as it's entries seem to often be quite flush.

All in all, The strongest combination of recovery and backend is the Tropical Heat or I am sure today's version the Wipe out.

Rated very strong and very smooth and hard hitting if they will give you just a tinch of a bit more head oil you will kill the pocket smoothly and completely flush even as you miss on either side of your arrow spot!

The most direct but easiest to push is the LT 48 and the hit is superb !

Everyone I believe is a winner.  If you want forgiveness the Tropical/Wipe out, if you want smooth 10 in the pit strikes the Ringer Solid where enough head oil, and for easy push and really flush hits the LT 47.

Now which one to use this week on my strong wet/dry top hat.


PS it took a lot of surface tweaking to get the Ringer to work for me but once I settled in on 2000 with Ebonite polish it gave me gorgeous wide recovery as one went wider at the apex of a wet dry.  Virtually no 7 pins were the result!  Many other balls with this type of top hat wet dry would end up back high in the pocket!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Brunswick Ringer Solid, LT 48 Vintage and the Tropical Heat Black Purple
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2014, 10:22:36 PM »
Do you bowl on Wood or old HPLs?  Just curious.


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Re: Brunswick Ringer Solid, LT 48 Vintage and the Tropical Heat Black Purple
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2014, 12:23:33 PM »
Don't think you can go wrong with any of them. They are all awesome balls. I prefer the LT-48 as a benchmark then follow up with the Tropical as it reads the friction faster and has better motion from inward.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member


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Re: Brunswick Ringer Solid, LT 48 Vintage and the Tropical Heat Black Purple
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2014, 10:06:01 PM »

Complete, concise, accurate and well said!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana