Hi guys,
Thanks for all the reponses. I guess I jumped the gun on this one. It was indeed redbear's topic that I read one day about using Neo-Tac products on his Activator Coverstock.
I indeed had the same gummy after-effect on the ball after wiping the stuff on. I did not see any kind of performance change in the ball. But after reading the post, It triggered a warning signal. I guess where there's smoke, there's fire. I immediately stopped using the "Renew-It," product on my ball after I read that post. It was my fault that I did not give Renew It a chance after reading that post.
I like Neo-Tac products and I have mentioned in my original post that I still use them on my other equipment. I just wasn't fair in my assessment of the product, because I based it on someone elses experience. Well I guess we all learn from this lesson.
All I know for sure is, a Majority of us LOVE the Activator Coverstock and will do anything to maintain its' performance.
Thanks for the read and advice guys. Also, my apologies to "redbear." I mentioned that "I've heard a couple of horror stories," when in fact, the only story I've seen was in your thread a couple weeks ago.
All the best,
S.F. Bay Area, California