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Author Topic: Brunswicks new releases are up!  (Read 16694 times)

Joe Jr

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Brunswicks new releases are up!
« on: June 05, 2006, 01:20:59 PM »
Well on BuddiesProshop at least...

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- Joe
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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2006, 10:21:55 PM »
This is a surprise.  Big B didn't have to introduce anything.  They already have one of the most sought after pieces of equipment on the market in the Vapor Zone.  Their BVP lineup has a solid entry level lineup.  The Zones are top to bottom some of the best mid-priced pieces made and the Absolute, Scorchin' and Smokin' Infernoes still bring premium dollars.
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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2006, 11:08:14 PM »
I doubt this is it, least I hope not.  Hoping for a new Inferno, something particle in that line or a Zone.



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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2006, 12:22:16 AM »
I agree with everything that's been said in this thread, so far.

So, of course, that cannot possibly the true story. So, what is TRULY going on here??? I'm waiting ....
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Mike Austin

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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2006, 01:18:35 AM »
The Nemesis had been out for 2 years.  Through their market research, Brunswick determined that the name and colors were "tired".  That is what I was told.  Wizard is same ball as Nemesis, just updated color.

I was not given any info on the Red Zone.  I have a polished Strike Zone, can do that myself.  Although I do like Red.....
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2006, 01:59:35 AM »
That's disappointing, although logical with the advent of Bowl Expo. Create some hype and murmur, but waiting with "new" releases for the big event. Nevertheless, I expected more, especially from the Wizard release - a different core. And the Red Zone is just worth a laugh... Classic Zone replacement, eh? Booo!

And with the new Inferno... I fear that the only "innovation" could be that it might be the first 2 color particle ball Brunswick will ever produce... rest might be known (maybe a re-do of the RI?). That's just my personal idea, but I have the feeling that I might be disappointed, too.

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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2006, 02:42:47 AM »
Brunsolumbia 300, i mean Brunswick has really done it this summer.  Re-releasing balls with different names and different colors, thats taking a page out of Columbia's book from a few years back.  As I am just starting to get into mostly all Brunswick equipment, this is a big turn off.  I can justify the Nemesis being old, and wanting a change, but don't just change the colors, improve on it.  If they thought the cover and core were perfect, keep it the same, besides, balls in the new factory will react different than before, even with the same mixes.  Red Zone is very disappointing.  Polished activator solid, with no core tweaks.  Not smart, considering the strike zone is still widely used, and has shown its cover versatility.  Small changes should have been made by considering the following: 1.)  There is only 2 particle balls in the entire Brunswick lineup (ambush and impulse), and the ambush is a pearl as well.  With the Impulse being a slightly different Zone core (a tad weaker), and probably on it's way out of the lineup soon, a particle pearl cover with the zone core would be awesome and a definate for most players.  2.)  With Smokin' sales rather dull, (at least in my area) the zone core with the activaor advance would really boost that cover's sales.  3.)  Zone classic has proved how great of a ball it is.  Could have left it as it was, and sales would still continue, or even lower the diff on the core by a little, and kept the activator pearl, and it would be absolute money for tournament players.  Finally, I really am not looking forward to the next Inferno release.  I don't possibly see what it is going to be, and to me, particle is the only logical release.  They have a weak pearl, sanded strong pearl, and sanded solid, not really sure what else they would make.  This could and most likely will be a bad start to the season for Brunswick, especially with the hype and probable huge releases out of Storm, Ebonite, and Hammer.
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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2006, 04:53:31 AM »
obviously no one read when i said the NEW INFERNO WILL BE SIZZLIN.... that should be a hint enough.... look for a NEW INFERNO THIS SUMMER PEOPLE!!!!!

something with a core cover and ________ Inferno....
                         (Insert Sizzlin' above)
and expect a pearl cover... dunno about the core... do know that it is supposed to be 5-7 boards stronger on the backend than the smokin... so an aggressive skid snappy pearl from the sound of it... should be good
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2006, 08:48:54 AM »
How many pro shops do you think will buy these balls when there are Strike Zones and Nemesises sitting on the shelf?  Zero?

How many?  All of them.  It's new, it hooks a lot, and we all know that customers are so stupid that all they ever want is something new that looks good and hooks a lot.  "Drill it to go long and snap," they say.



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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2006, 10:25:20 AM »
im disappointed too - brusnwick needs to come out with a new high performance line - the infernos have been there forever.

A Track Junior Bowler

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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2006, 10:28:55 AM »
obviously no one read when i said the NEW INFERNO WILL BE SIZZLIN.... that should be a hint enough.... look for a NEW INFERNO THIS SUMMER PEOPLE!!!!!

something with a core cover and ________ Inferno....
                         (Insert Sizzlin' above)
and expect a pearl cover... dunno about the core... do know that it is supposed to be 5-7 boards stronger on the backend than the smokin... so an aggressive skid snappy pearl from the sound of it... should be good
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
Bowl to Win

That just doesn't make sense though...5-7 boards stronger than the Smokin'? Only on the backend? That ball would go about 90 degrees sideways. Then again, that's the kind of thing they can market.

I don't know, maybe my expectations are too high. Brunswick obviously can't be a "boutique" ball company like Lane #1 or MoRich, though Track nearly is and they seem to be pretty successful doing it.
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Morich is made by Brunswick

A Track Junior Bowler

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- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2006, 01:47:13 PM »
The Nemesis was never a good looking ball, but a great performer. The Wizard looks like it will have much better shelf appeal.

Still not real keen upon the Red Zone. But if it means it will stay in the line longer than the Strike would of, then that is a good thing (just knock the polish off of it if you want another Strike Zone)

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2006, 03:51:46 PM »
What a joke and waste of two bowling ball slots.  Here's a suggestion to Brunswick on the Strike Zone / Red Zone.  Next time, don't release a ball with stupid looking logos and then release the exact same ball with, hopefully, good looking logos.  Do it the first time.

The next ball better be impressive because no R&D other than marketing was spent on these two pieces.

How many pro shops do you think will buy these balls when there are Strike Zones and Nemesises sitting on the shelf?  Zero?

I saw this and it made me laugh.  When I first wanted to buy a bowling ball the first name I thought was Brunswick.  When I went to the pro shop which had pretty much all of the current Brunswicks being offered, I couldn't help but realize their balls look horrible and the logos are plain bad.  Luckily, it looks like Columbia is also moving in this direction (ugly balls/bad logos) so maybe Brunswick will have less competition in the future.
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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2006, 05:02:56 PM »
From what I heard, the reason for the Wizard is that the color scheme on the Nemesis wasn't particularly popular.  The Nemesis never came close to matching the sales numbers for the Bruiser.

As for the Red Zone, the cover may be called "Activator Reactive," but I seriously doubt it uses the exact same coverstock formulation as the Strike Zone.  I heard that Brunswick was looking to fill a particular gap in their line with the Red, which leads me to think that the Red will be less aggressive than a polished Strike.

But I (and my sources) could be wrong...  
...formerly "The Curse of Dusty," and "Poöter Boöf" before that...


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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2006, 01:31:55 AM »
polish a strike zone enough and it is definitely not that aggressive anymore... and a polished solid inbetween a pearl like the classic or even the vapor and the strike zone is a very narrow gap indeed....

the strike zone is a great ball dont get me wrong... but i just dont see the point  in coming out with a polished version especially when releases from brunswick are always at specific times... so basically were waiting till the end of this year to see something new and improved im hoping...

lets see some activator advance on the classic core  :-D
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
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Mason Sherman
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Re: Brunswicks new releases are up!
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2006, 01:37:27 AM »
WOW, all this dissention amongst the ranks without one single person even throwing one yet. I'm stunned by the uproar. I feel we will hear a different tune once the balls arrive and the reports start flowing in. Hang in there guys and gals, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

By the way, without going into detail, MANY things contribute to the development and release of every new ball we make in order to maintain a complete line of balls that fit every need. We're not just making balls to be making them, there's rhyme and reason for everything.  I should leave it at that for now.

The NATION will continue to succeed......I'm betting on ya!


I'm gettin' old, I'm hurtin', but I've got Brunswick balls.......Color me competitive.