I cannot and will not go into detail on here, but in order to stay in business a ball company needs to sell balls. We must continue to create new product that appeals to the public cosmetically and with performance. You personally may be in the market (or not) for a NEW reaction, but there are 1000's of customers out there getting into a ball for the first time or upgrading to something new and we must appeal to them also.
When we create product, our main goal is to maintain a complete lineup in all of our product lines. When we create a hole in our ball chart by removing a ball that is dead in sales, we must try and fill that void with something new and exciting to the buying public. That's business, whether it's balls, bags, shoes, cars, boats, bikes, TVs, food, drinks, etc......
I personally am proud of how we've maintained a strong lineup of balls for all levels of bowlers without flooding the market with numerous releases.
Robert Lawrence
Product Specialist - SW
Brunswick Bowling - Consumer Div.
I'm gettin' old, I'm hurtin', but I've got Brunswick balls.......Color me competitive.