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Author Topic: Brusier and Ebay morons  (Read 1386 times)


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Brusier and Ebay morons
« on: March 05, 2005, 07:34:52 PM »
I thought I'd finally pick up a new Bruiser for myself. Found one on EBay and figured now that they've discontinued it, I can get one really cheap. I can get one from anywhere between $80-95 plus $10 shipping from many internet dealers (Maybe i'll just my pro shop; hate to bother him on sucha trivial matter.). So these uninformed morons actually bid the price up to $91 plus like $20 shipping! What are they thinking?

FWIW I've see that so often on EBay: people paying significantly more for a ball that they can get it and still have to pay to get it drilled. They seem to know something abotu EBay but NOTHING else about the internet. DUh!

Sorry, just had to vent.
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Re: Brusier and Ebay morons
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2005, 06:28:13 AM »
I sell, I know what the boxes cost,  and on sale they are NOT expensive. (about 50 cents each) time, cost of doing business...gas, another cost..I've seen some shipping that high, me..I add less than $2.00 for everything I need, doesn't pay for it all, but it helps..biggest expense, printer ink for the labels. You want inflated 20.00 ? and they get a cheaper rate than most.

my 2 cents are up
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Brusier and Ebay morons
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2005, 06:56:29 AM »
Yea, and how many times have you seen a ball start off with a buy it now price, only later to see that it has been bid up way past the original buy it now price?

 Or, how many times do I see people bid a ball up high, only to look in the sellers store and find another with a buy it now price lower than the current bid?

 Why do people do this? And I see balls sell all the time for more than you can buy them outright a buddies.   JUST STUPID!
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Re: Brusier and Ebay morons
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2005, 07:10:40 AM »
But how about the seller? I was looking around at a ball ( dont remember what) ad the guy wanted 23.90 for shipping. So I calculate it myself and it comes to 11.35 UPS ground. I wrote him a letter telling him his shipping was too high and gave him the cost I calculated. He responds with: " Havent you ever heard of handling? I have to box it up and take it to UPS you know". The dumbass wants me to pay for his time.

They're adding profit margin in obviously to the price. Your profit margin is supposed to be inthe price of the object. However, I have seen many people having to sell balls below the price they paid, because they never set a reserve which costs extra on EBay. Life is tough all over. I've also seen people charging the maximum coast to coast UPS charge, around $21 (Miami to Seattle ?) as a fixed rate to make sure they never pay out any money. is a prime example.
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