What Conspirator300 said I believe is right on.
The Strike Zone is a solid reactive assymetric ball, factory 800 grit wet sand. The Total comes with rough buff finish. It is also a very pretty ball. By the looks of the cover may have a hint of pearl in it? Does anyone know?
My ball driller has a new Total and it is a big hooking ball on a fresh shot. But when bowling side by side with him my Strike Zone picks up a lot more oil, although it is less hooking, and less angular on backend. He is a cranker and covers more boards with his Total than I do with my SZ. His buddy was bowling also and had a new Total and is a big cranker, too. They both love the Total.
The cover of the SZ will hold the midlane for me on any shot I have played on, including 39 ft PBA sport shot. This at 1000 grit wet sand.
I do like how the SZ handles carrydown. A good ball. Both these balls are great, but they are different.
ps I bowled against two older guys last Thursday who both had new Totals, and they were more low rev, track type players and they both loved the balls also.
Edited on 1/3/2007 5:29 PM