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Author Topic: bvp nemesis  (Read 4385 times)


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bvp nemesis
« on: October 05, 2006, 08:22:40 AM »
Hey, i just got a bvp nemesis that i got used on here. I like it, and was what i expected to a point. but i'm having a problem, I'm playing the 4th-5th arrow, and when it hits the dry, this ball takes off in the other direction. It is making the most snap i've ever seen on a ball. What should i do to tame this beast? My pro shop guy didnt think that polishing the ball would do that much. Apparently i put alot of finger (hand?) on the ball so thats why the snap is dramatic. Any help would be appreciated



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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2006, 04:36:46 PM »
Where are you standing on the approach at the dots?? Sounds like you might need to play 2nd or 3rd arrow instead.
Mike Zadler
Formerly known as IL_Bowler
Using the best brand in the nation, BRUNSWICK!!!
Below, my stats from previous seasons:
Winter season averages at Sunset Lanes in Waukegan IL.
Wed. Nite Ave: 203
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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2006, 05:02:44 PM »
i tried multiple approaches, even when i played the 2nd arrow like i used to when using how balls, it would snap violently.


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2006, 05:21:24 PM »
so upon further inspection, my pro shop manager found out the whoever drilled this ball drilled into the mass bias. Said i only have .5 ounce positve. Kinda upset a bit, even though i only payed 25 shipped for the ball, I cant throw the ball =/


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2006, 05:38:39 PM »
so upon further inspection, my pro shop manager found out the whoever drilled this ball drilled into the mass bias. Said i only have .5 ounce positve. Kinda upset a bit, even though i only payed 25 shipped for the ball, I cant throw the ball =/

Either your pro shop manager is giving you a line, hoping to sell you something else, or he's dumb as a stump.  

First, the Nemesis is a symmetric ball, it has no mass bias to speak of.  Second, even if it did, there is no rule against drilling into it.  Such a layout may not work for some players, but there's no conventional wisdom that says not to do so.  Finally, 0.5oz positive side weight is perfectly fine.  It's what Brunswick recommends, in fact.  "Put the CG where you want, drill the weight hole to give a half ounce positive side weight."  Right in the drill sheet.

He didn't, by any chance, offer to sell you another ball that he's sure would be soooo much better for you, did he?  Maybe in the $200+ range?  The One, maybe, or a Scorchin' Inferno?



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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2006, 09:06:00 PM »
lol, no i told him i'm not going to pay $60+ extra dollars for a ball i can get online, with the specs i want, and pay $40 for drilling from him.
Well if that's not the problem then what is. This ball, even after polish, is making such a dramatic backend that i cant throw it.


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2006, 09:14:10 PM »
With out being there to see things 1st hand its not going to be easy to exactly pin point the problem here.

Several ideas that come to mind:

1) High revs on the ball vs. Slow ball speed.

2) Very dry lanes.

3) Not giving the ball enough room to push to the break point for the right amount of entry angle into the pocket.

Thats just a few, im sure theres other possible causes that I am missing.
Mike Zadler
Formerly known as IL_Bowler
Using the best brand in the nation, BRUNSWICK!!!
Below, my stats from previous seasons:
Winter season averages at Sunset Lanes in Waukegan IL.
Wed. Nite Ave: 203
Thur. Nite Ave: 213
Mike Zadler


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2006, 09:29:50 PM »
i'm throwing it about 16-17 mph, but i do tend to put alot of revs on the ball.
I know the lanes arent dry, oiled twice a day.
"Not giving the ball enough room to push to the break point for the right amount of entry angle into the pocket."
Not quite sure what you mean by that


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2006, 10:57:08 PM »
This ball, even after polish, is making such a dramatic backend that i cant throw it.

Have you tried taking the surface up?  Polish tends to increase backend reaction, so putting polish on a ball that's already got too much backend will only make it worse.  Try 2000-grit or 4000-grit, either with or without the polish.  High grit sanding tends to give more length without significantly increasing backend.

You could also try something like Track's Delayed Reaction polish, which gives length like a polish but doesn't really put much backend into the reaction.

"Pushing" means getting the ball to go longer before making its move.  If you're getting a lot of backend, getting the ball to push can just make that same backend come in at the pocket instead of crossing over.  You could try looking further down the lane when you throw your shot.  Believe it or not, but that does work.  Putting more forward roll on the ball and less side turn can help too.  Less axis tilt as well.


Edited on 10/6/2006 10:52 PM


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2006, 02:23:31 AM »
went bowling tonight, Tried one last thing. I've only got 3 months of actual bowling under my belt, but i attempted what i've never tried, Brooklyn. A fellow bowler suggest  trying a brooklyn shot. Man, this shot (after i got used to it) really helped this ball perform.I'm still going to probably bring it up to a 2000 to see if it helps. Thanks guys


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2006, 07:56:03 AM »
went bowling tonight, Tried one last thing. I've only got 3 months of actual bowling under my belt, but i attempted what i've never tried, Brooklyn. A fellow bowler suggest  trying a brooklyn shot. Man, this shot (after i got used to it) really helped this ball perform.I'm still going to probably bring it up to a 2000 to see if it helps. Thanks guys

I'm betting this is a troll. No one bowling for 3 months starts talking about drilling out a mass bias or plays 4th/5th arrow with a Nemesis. ANd then talks about playing the "brooklyn". ?????
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2006, 01:01:45 PM »
went bowling tonight, Tried one last thing. I've only got 3 months of actual bowling under my belt, but i attempted what i've never tried, Brooklyn. A fellow bowler suggest  trying a brooklyn shot. Man, this shot (after i got used to it) really helped this ball perform.I'm still going to probably bring it up to a 2000 to see if it helps. Thanks guys

I'm betting this is a troll. No one bowling for 3 months starts talking about drilling out a mass bias or plays 4th/5th arrow with a Nemesis. ANd then talks about playing the "brooklyn". ?????
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Yeah, doesnt make sense really.
Mike Zadler
Formerly known as IL_Bowler
Using the best brand in the nation, BRUNSWICK!!!
Below, my stats from previous seasons:
Winter season averages at Sunset Lanes in Waukegan IL.
Wed. Nite Ave: 203
Thur. Nite Ave: 213
Mike Zadler


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2006, 06:26:15 PM »
a troll? Not quite sure what you mean, but i'm just saying what i'm told by other people. what i meant by brooklyn, what i was told atleast, was standing all the way to the left, throwing out towards the ten pin...hooking the ball that way. Thats what i was told by a fellow bowler atleast. ANd mass bias. that's what the pro shop manager at my local alley told me as well. So, no need to be rude to me, i'm just a beginner going on what i am told. sorry


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Re: bvp nemesis
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2006, 07:18:27 PM »
a troll? Not quite sure what you mean, but i'm just saying what i'm told by other people. what i meant by brooklyn, what i was told atleast, was standing all the way to the left, throwing out towards the ten pin...hooking the ball that way. Thats what i was told by a fellow bowler atleast. ANd mass bias. that's what the pro shop manager at my local alley told me as well. So, no need to be rude to me, i'm just a beginner going on what i am told. sorry

Not being rude. Your statements do add up to a reasonable picture of what a beginner knows and doesn't know. The mixture of statements you provide makes almost no sense and is what some one who wants to "pull our legs" would say.

If you are a real beginner, then you seem to have been lead by the nose by someone tryign to pull your leg. Your facts, terms and descriptions of what is happening are sort of all mixed up.

The post just above mine here points you toward a website with lots of good information about bowling: terms and whatnot. ALso all of the bowling ball manufacturers have websites with TONS of useful and good information.

Also a great source is one that one of our more diligent members put together from things that have been said here on ballreviews. See

The above is what someone would type who wanted to start a beginner off from scratch, It is extremely worthwhile reading and would answer about 90% or your questions and more.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."