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Author Topic: BVP Nemesis or BVP Punisher  (Read 2367 times)


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BVP Nemesis or BVP Punisher
« on: November 21, 2004, 03:47:43 AM »
If you have a Nemesis or Punisher and it is drilled with the pin slightly below and to the right of the ring finder (4-5 inches from the pap) would you expect the ball to have an arc reaction?  Also, does the Nemesis take surface changes well so that it would work on dryer conditions or would the Punisher be a better choice for those conditions?

Any help would be appreciated.




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Re: BVP Nemesis or BVP Punisher
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2004, 11:54:17 AM »
The Nemesis is extremely versatile with cover prep, it polishes up fantastically! But the Punisher is by far the better choice for drier conditions. Per Bruce Heim (Brunswick Booth at the Nationals, my local driller), I am now going to punch up a Punisher. This should be longer and less backend than my ScreamR, but more than a Slayer.

But I could not believe the difference in looks of the Nemises from box to polished! I may have to drill one or two of these as well.
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Re: BVP Nemesis or BVP Punisher
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2004, 03:01:38 PM »
I have a Nemesis drilled with layout 2L from the Brunswick drill sheet, which put the pin just below and to the right of the ring finger, with the CG on the midline about 1/2" from the grip center.  In box condition, this ball was *very* strong;  I needed a lot of oil up front to keep it from burning it up.  So I hit it with a green pad and then shined it with the Brunswick High Gloss polish on it on six sides, and while it didn't really change the total number of boards of hook very much (perhaps two less than before), the ball is now much cleaner in front, and much stronger in back.  However, even in box condition, I'd have to say that the Nemesis reaction is more of a hard arc, especially when compared to the Infernos and the Bruiser.

Polished, I can use the Nemesis on broken-down conditions, but I have to play from the oil into the dry.  With my Punisher, I can go more up the dry, but I still have to be careful not to start the ball in the dry too soon.  When I have to play more direct on a drier condition, I pull out my SlayR.

Hope this helps.
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Re: BVP Nemesis or BVP Punisher
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2004, 03:05:21 PM »
I have both.

The Nemesis is a very rolly ball. It's pretty even and steady for me- great for those heavier oil patterns where you just need that little bit of bite in the backend to create some angle into the pocket. To manipulate the shape of your reaction, it has a great cover for you to play around with. It looks as though I will drill another one or two of these in the future with different patterns and coverstock preps.

I just picked up a Punisher, drilled with a similar drilling to what you were describing, last week. The backend on this is quite strong- stronger than I had anticipated- mainly in part of due to the drill pattern. This ball suits me when I have to play pretty deep inside on those patterns that play "medium". If I drill this ball weaker, say with pin over my bridge (about 5" from PAP), I can use this ball to play outside. This ball looks like you can manipulate the shape you want on the lane, too.

In terms of picking/choosing which one would be better for those lighter conditions, at least for me, I'd pick up my Punisher over my Nemesis because of the weaker nature of the coverstock... but that's just me.
-Jeremy Vitug

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Re: BVP Nemesis or BVP Punisher
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2004, 06:43:53 PM »
would the two balls complement each other well?

So far, yes... for me. My Nemesis is 1500 sanded, the Punisher is 2500 polish. Yesterday we bowled on a house with a slicker surface. Once the oil broke down in the track after using my Warp Zone for practice (to open up the shot a little), then the Nemesis. Then, the midlane broke down a little and were hooking a lot more, so I then used the Punisher to combat the transition.
-Jeremy Vitug

It is YOU who decides what happens on the lane.