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Author Topic: BZ Bullet  (Read 1600 times)


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BZ Bullet
« on: March 03, 2004, 11:16:47 PM »
Boy I've got some good equipment in this slot!!!
High rg, high diff!!!  Pearl.

Reaction Rip, Ignitor, and the BZ Bullet.

By the way at one time I had the exciting and over hormoned impact zone.
Same core as BZ Bullet.

Lately I've been almost tearing em up with the Rip and Ignitor around town.

Two weeks in league I've been going just fine for two games in league with the Rip, and all of a sudden in the third game the amount of flip demanded is insane, I must jump 5 and 2 and it just doesn't match up well.

The ignitor a little bit the same but it seems to go the other way, carry carry carry, and then great pocket hits but a little skid past the breakpoint and lots of 7s in the third game.  Thought I was going to win a tourney this weekend and then it went belly up on carry on me.  Many adjustments and finally I went to a Solid Reactive Time Zone and cleared the sheet, TOO LATE.
Note Ignitor is good and jumpy and seems to be very HARD shelled.  If oil in it's path in midlane it WILL skid!  Too far!
Both balls above with pin above fingers.

Today in practice sort of a similar thing.  Now I bring out the go straight but flip smoothly and hard BZ Bullet and just tear the heart out of the pocket where the other two great seem to be over/ undering me to death.
Whether it is the shorter pin drill with pin under fingers or the slighltly softer slower reacting coverstockPK 17 vs Ignitor PK 18(it will move smooth and hard though) this sucker was just flush.

I'm going to try a whole set with it.  But I really think the ticket is one of the other two (pin above for extra reaction), followed by this in the flying backends 3rd!(Just the way our house is).

Note this 18 dollar beauty has tore them up on very heavy oil, shorter oil with carrydown, extreme oil all over the lane but played up 2 for a 259.

This ball is old and cheap, but has one of brunswick's best cores.  (Impact zone, Pro Zone Violet and it, share same core) all favorites of mine.

This ball it is easy to see how a guy used only it to set a house average record with it!  Oldie but goody.  Drilled 4 1/4 X 3 1/4.  Pin out only 1.5 inches!!!


PS back in the bag!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: BZ Bullet
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2004, 10:27:26 PM »
Hey, glad to hear you are enjoying the Igniter.



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Re: BZ Bullet
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2004, 11:08:37 PM »
Love my ignitor as well!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Act like you've been there before"