Typically they would be layouts with larger angle sums using the Dual Angle Layout technique. Layouts like 55x4.5x70 are typically considered slower response when compared to layouts like 45x4.5x35. I believe the recommended sport layout for the C System balls is something like 30x4.5x70 in order to achieve a stronger rolling or hook set slower response roll. I am not positive on this as I don't have the product presentation information for the C System 3.5 here at the moment. Another suggestion that may work well is the 60x5x70 suggested on the Brunswick website for use with asymmetric cores. As usual, all layouts should be personalized for you by your ball driller as he or she should know your game better than we do.
Chris Garrett
Upstate Pro Shop
Greenville, SC - 1-866-490-9980
PBA Member
Brunswick Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.