It's dependant on your game but mine is drilled dual angle 40 x 4-1/2 x 30 which puts the pin over the ring and I hate it. I have a fair amount of hand and find myself having to look short so it reads up and goes left sooner. I just took it down to 1000 and it seems a little quicker to read on anvilhang at least. I'll see on wood tonight, but I guy I bowl with that has decent hand also has the same layout on his but his pin ended up under the fingers and he has a great look. Difference is I get a really over under and his is even. If I miss wide early it jumps, where his crawsl back and holds pocket. If I miss in I get more length yet and his still reads to have decent roll through the pins. When we drilled this piece we knew I wasn't a big B fan and my driller said if I didn't like this layout we would drill another or a different ball. So we'll see, the Mutant hits the shops in a couple days and it's another that gets down lane easy enough and I have no problems with the Roto/Storm equipment, although I hear Storm is coming out with one that makes the Virtual Gravity look tame. No paticulars yet or guess on release.