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Author Topic: Can anyone disagree with me on this?  (Read 3431 times)


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Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« on: February 23, 2004, 10:57:22 PM »
In my opinion, I feel the Inferno is not only the best Big B ball on the market today, I think it has brought them back form near oblivion and put them back on top of the mountain where they belong. I feel people got so tired of seeing a new zone every week that they went to other companies, after the Inferno they not only came back, but they came back running to get the best ball out today.

Anybody disagree with me on this?
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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2004, 02:17:15 PM »
Ill disagree the only ball i hae liked from Big b was the impact zone.  just don't like the way any of there stuff rolls an was goin to get a frenzy till i seen a guy with a length drilling on one roll at his feet
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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2004, 02:22:21 PM »
after the Inferno they not only came back, but they came back running to get the best ball out today.

I'm not a Big-B fan, but I do have the Blazing Inferno (the ball was given to me). It's OK, but not close to being the "best ball out today". If you're talking about the Inferno family of balls as a whole, they roll too early to have the mass appeal to be considered the best. I've seen too many weak handed players leave weak 10 after weak 10 because the Inferno's burn up too early. Again, it's the kind of ball line that will have appeal to a limited group of bowlers.
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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2004, 02:38:52 PM »
Steven, there have probably been a half a dozen whats the best ball out today posts in the bowling misc. forums, and the original inferno has won every time. So as far as limited appeal I have to disagree just by the polls done right here.

I was talking about the original, not the blazing, but have never heard anything about the blazing rolling early, and I dont have a bit of rpoblem with the length I get out of my inferno.

They are a mass appeal ball, but no, no ball is perfect for everyone, if there was, then why buy anything else?

All I know is my inferno cover the broadest range conditions that I have seen, and as they love to say on here, it hits like a truck and sounds like a 12 guage when the pins explode.
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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2004, 02:38:55 PM »
Mine Inferno gets decent length on fresh until the heads go. Very similar to my V2 pearl. My ultimate hooks in my backswing. That said, I love my brunswick stuff, but wouldn't rate it higher than some others.


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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2004, 02:45:54 PM »
I disagree the MOnsters put them back on top

The Scream/r was one of the best ball i had ever thrown

I just got a bruiser which is by far the best Big B ball
i have had ever and I have the Raging, scream/r, frenzy, had the regular
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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2004, 03:12:16 PM »
Steven, there have probably been a half a dozen whats the best ball out today posts in the bowling misc. forums, and the original inferno has won every time. So as far as limited appeal I have to disagree just by the polls done right here.  

no1bucsfan: A couple of "what's best" threads on the miscellaneous forum hardly constitutes scientific consensus. Most of the more experienced bowlers on the forum don't even bother responding to those threads, much less read them. "What's Best" is ultimately determined by ball lines that stand the test of time; by this refined definition, the Ebonite V2's, the Storm Eraser's, and the Columbia Messenger's qualify. The Inferno's have a long ways to go before being mentioned in this elite company.

Brunswick states that "The Blazing Inferno is a higher RG version of the original Inferno". This clearly implies the original is more 'rolly', and that they needed a complimentary version to get further down the lane. This doesn't make the original bad, but instead more of a niche ball, and as such does not cover the range of conditions you suggest.

I'm glad that you like the ball, but don't trick yourself into believing the Inferno will have mass appeal -- it won't.  

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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2004, 04:31:30 PM »
The inferno has MASS appeal, Its all over the place. I through it in comparison to my cherry bomb and found em to be basicly the same reaction, long and stong so i don't know what u are talking about with it rolling over too early. I don't even own a brunswick at this point but its not because of the old roll at your feet sterotype that morons still hold to heart. They make great products and so does everyother company its all a matter of preference.


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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2004, 05:19:08 PM »
ok one more time. I never said anything about scientific anything. What constitiutes a good ball is the number of people that throw them. The Inferno is one of the most popular balls out today. People buy them, people use them, people like them, that makes a good ball, what I said is that the Inferno saved Brunswick, and I still believe it did. The monster line definitely helped, but a high end ball that people will buy, use, show their friends, and talk them into buying one also, is much better than a mid priced ball that does the same.

as far as your comment about the best not responding or even reading posts like mentioned, that has to be one of the most arrogant statements I have ever heard, and highly untrue, why don't you search a couple of those old best ball posts and you will see quite a few of the better bowlers that frequent this site did post on there. Just because you happen to be a good bowler doesn't mean your a stuck up snot that can't take a minute out of his precious day to post for us lower class poeple. Even we get blessed by the best, lucky us.

INFERNO= MASS APPEAL, deal with it. I am sorry that you can't figure the ball out, but just because you can't seem to use it doesn't mean the rest of the world can't.
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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2004, 03:35:36 AM »
Well I'd say that brunswicks on the high part of the heap but not the top, really to me the Monster Seires or at least the latter half helped them and the Infernos where and are the iceing on the cake
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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2004, 04:44:59 PM »
when i was at the greater kansas city classic back in october i spoke with rick benoit, parker bohn III, and chris barnes about brunswick equipment in great detail. they all agreed that the inferno was the best ball their company had had out in a LONG time---by far. they also stated that the monster line was a great line/seller of balls in the mid-price range. they were very optimistic and hopefull for the continued growth of brunswick. they also admitted that past management was largely responsibe for the "overkill" of too many simialr balls, etc.


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Re: Can anyone disagree with me on this?
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2004, 11:17:11 PM »
Most pro shop guys ive talked to say the original inferno is just an amazing ball,  helped bring them back up reputation wise and sells very well.  Monster line though is what they recommend for most of the bowlers out there, its the bread and butter money maker in the brunswick line,  great performance at a great price point.  

Edited on 2/29/2004 0:12 AM