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Author Topic: Cant carry with Rampage  (Read 2217 times)


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Cant carry with Rampage
« on: August 26, 2005, 03:39:40 PM »
This ball actually hits too hard it leaves 8s 9s 4s and 7s never any 10 pins tho lol. i have this ball drilled layout 3L with no weight whole on the ball box cover it only has 1/2 oz of side wieht. what should i do lol ??
2005-2006 bowling season
Monday 630 tuesday 9:00 3 man team 1k per person frist place



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Re: Cant carry with Rampage
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2005, 11:44:16 PM »
this ball is effin crazy that cover core system is wayyyyyyyy over rated. i was playing 15-5 was nice sept the carry part

2005-2006 bowling season
Monday 630 tuesday 9:00 3 man team 1k per person frist place


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Re: Cant carry with Rampage
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2005, 08:10:06 PM »
I threw my rampage tonight, and noticed the same thing.  I threw about 6 in a row, then I threw 8 pin 9 pin 9 pin, etc.  I will have to try dulling the ball up some and see what happens.

Mr Bass

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Re: Cant carry with Rampage
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2005, 09:42:44 PM »
Do you guys throw this ball on a fresh shot or when the lanes break down? I'm looking for options on a good med-dry ball...
"Smokey this is not 'Nam this is bowling, there are rules"
"Maybe those Ebonite balls hit too hard. They're too good" -Jason Couch after leaving a stone 8 pin
"Yeah but the Brunswick ones get all ten though" -Brad Angelo
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Re: Cant carry with Rampage
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2005, 09:56:27 PM »
Tonight was the first night with this ball, it was a fresh shot, but I am going to put a weight hole in it to tame it down allittle.  I am not saying this ball is bad, I really like it.  I just have to figure this ball out.  I used my zone classic, and this ball was coming in just as hard as the zc, both balls kept the pins low, and hit harder than any ball I have ever thrown, who knows maybe once I get a few games on this ball it will mellow out.  I shot 653 first series with this ball though, I would recomend it for med dry if you drill it right.


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Re: Cant carry with Rampage
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2005, 10:38:56 AM »
mines layout 3L no weight hole only a 1/2 oz of side weight and it flips like crazy i took the shine of the cover the other night and when we bowl on tuesdays its a freash shot out there. Really want to beable to use this ball but gota work with it
2005-2006 bowling season
Monday 630 tuesday 9:00 3 man team 1k per person frist place


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Re: Cant carry with Rampage
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2005, 10:23:22 PM »
This ball (after 6 games) is amazing for me. It (like every other PowerKoil 18 Ive thrown) needs oil up front. Usually if Im leaving too many 9 pins, it just means Im playing the wrong part of the lane.

This ball Ive thrown in 3 houses---1 where I got it drilled on a leftover junk shot, fried up front with plenty of carrydown, 2nd my home house on a THS with plenty of backend, 3rd anything but my home house where I had never shot anything more than 600 even in a 3 game series.

I used it on the junk shot and the ball rolled super clean. I drilled it a little stronger than my Punisher which I loved but found to be a touch to weak for most THS's.

I decided after rolling on the junk to see how it would roll on a freshly run pattern, with lively backend. Take a step left---wow. The ball was unreal. I havent had a ball roll through the pins like that in a long, long time. The angle it generates is a little steep but its very controllable. I shot 752 with it in a 3 game set.

Then I went to a dump last night. I didnt want to use my new ball because I was afraid of scuffs and gouges and the like. After 6 frames I needed something that would not roll like trash---so I decided to try it.

I threw 25 out of the last 29 strikes including a 300 in game 2. Ive bowled in this house 10-12 times---hy highest set as mentioned previously was 600. I shot 745. This is the first ball to make a "normal" ball reaction in the house.

The Rampage has rolled great on 3 totally different conditions. Ive been able to go through backend mess. Ive dealt with THS breakdown into my A game---a deep inside line. The ball makes the turn and doesnt appear to lose any energy. Just keeps trucking. Mine is polished---Id be afraid to scuff it at all. As it is, in 2 nights its earned a spot in my bag. For people who have it overhitting---when I practiced with it I noticed I had 2 play 2 and 1 farther left than I thought I should, just to not get it to face the pocket too early. While it looked good, the result was a 4 pin every time until I did this.
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Chris Green
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Re: Cant carry with Rampage
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2005, 08:06:32 AM »
XXX- how about a hole on your PAP if taking surface down then up doesn't help.