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Author Topic: Christmas Ball Choice  (Read 984 times)


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Christmas Ball Choice
« on: December 17, 2008, 09:00:41 AM »
I have the opportunity to pick up a great price on one of the following balls Smash Zone, Swarm, Copper Head, Fury Pearl for my father in law. He's a lefty ( every team needs one) likes to play down and in without alot of revs or axis tilt. He doesn't bowl all that many tourneys so we are just worried about the house shot.(36 ft buffed to 39) Any suggestions for which ball with maybe a layout suggestion to avoid having to make another post would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks Again!



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Re: Christmas Ball Choice
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2008, 05:11:20 PM »
I like the fury pearl out of all those for the down and in shot nice heavy rolling ball and versatile.


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Re: Christmas Ball Choice
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2008, 05:29:08 PM »
Fury Pearl is money on a house shot for someone without a ton of hand. It makes a move on the backend for me, that while angular, isn't very snappy. It reads the lane quite well for a pearl. I prefer to use mine at 4k abralon (box finish) but have used it with success anywhere from 1k abralon to 4k polished with Lane#1's Sauce. It's a nice ball and responds well to hand position changes and picking up speed...or slowing it down and adding more revs. It carries well (Like almost all Big B stuff) with the random solid 9 or ringing 10 on a good hit, like almost everything can. Light hits are frequently mixed up for a strike, but don't get it heavy. Split city unless it crosses to Brooklyn fully.
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