I have finally get my maxx zone punched up and am very dissapointed in the reaction of this ball. I don't know much about drillings, but I do know that the ball came in with a 2 in. pin and 3 oz. top wt. The ball was drilled with the pin about 1 in. below and in between fingers. My rev rate is pretty high, (but never measured). So my driller told me he thinks this drilling would work for me since this ball is so strong. We had brought the surface up to 2000 plus brunswick high gloss. And what I'm seeing is that the only way this ball will make the turn is when it hits the very dry part of the lane. If I seem to tug it inside alittle into the oil, it just will not turn at all. I have a Total Inferno that is drilled to go long and snap hard. And it seems to work very well, but the Maxx just won't cut it. My question is, being that the maxx is an early rolling ball, can it be drilled for skid snap? Because that's what I wanted to begin with. But my pro shop guy said he didn't think I would be able to control it. But I think I'm going to have him plug it and redrill. And if that don't work, I guess I have a ball for sale. Sorry for making this so long.