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Author Topic: Classic Zone or Absolute Inferno  (Read 1483 times)


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Classic Zone or Absolute Inferno
« on: May 22, 2005, 09:38:01 AM »
Was going to replace my original Inferno, and wondering what ball would be the better choice to do it with.  I was originally thinking Classic Zone, but then I went into a pro shop in Vegas, and he said the Absolute Inferno would be a much better choice, not sure if that was his honest opinion, or just trying to upsell the higher priced ball ($249, ouch, lol), and thought I would come here to get the thoughts of Brunswick experts, and people who have thrown them, before ordering it from my pro shop at the end of this week sometime.  Thanks everyone for your help.



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Re: Classic Zone or Absolute Inferno
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2005, 06:10:19 PM »
If you are looking for something to be very similar to your Original Inferno, the Zone Classic would be closer than the Absolute, even though the Zone Classic has less length than the Original Inferno. If you are looking for a more powerful ball you should get an Absolute. Also There is no way the you can get an Absolute Inferno for 249 that is a major rip off, at the pro shop I get my stuff from the Absolute is 200 including drilling(slugs and inserts not included) and tax.

Edited on 5/22/2005 6:02 PM


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Re: Classic Zone or Absolute Inferno
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2005, 06:25:39 PM »
I know, 249 for the Absolute, and I believe the Classic Zone was going for 219 there, prices at my shop are much more reasonable, 190 or so for the Absolute.  I checked about getting another Inferno, but at my shop's distributor, they only had a couple left, and the ones left, were all 1 inch pin balls, and since my shop operator has been so good to me, I always give him my business, so I'll probably just wind up going with the Classic Zone.  Thanks for the help, I'm not sure I believed a whole lot of what I heard in that shop after I saw the prices, but it's Vegas, so I'm sure they do plenty of busniess at those prices.


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Re: Classic Zone or Absolute Inferno
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2005, 10:33:33 PM »
I would take the Absolute over the Classic Zone any time any place. It will cover whatever ground the Original did and then some, and covers most if not all of the CZ's territory. The Absolute is an improvement on the original. The CZ is a totally different look, and weaker in oil. I'm not saying the CZ is bad - cuz it's not - it's a fine ball. It's just not as versatile as the Absolute.


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Re: Classic Zone or Absolute Inferno
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2005, 01:24:28 PM »
Thanks for the help everyone, I did decide on going with the Absolute Inferno, I think it will be a better match with me also, since usually I find my ball not finishing enough and driving through the pins properly.  My Inferno is drilled to go long, and turn on the back, and sometimes it just makes that turn a little bit too late, so I think I will stack leverage the Absolute, and that should give me a nice arsenal, above the Inferno, and below the Raging.  Thanks again, you guys really helped me out on this one.