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Author Topic: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one  (Read 3212 times)


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Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« on: August 01, 2005, 07:00:15 PM »
Ebay special, NIB, $53 shipped.  Saw it with 4 hours left, bid, and went to sleep.  Lol, the shipping was almost as much as the ball.  I know what to expect out of the Classic Zone original, but what about this one?  I've seen Nick's video, but his was dull.  I really like the way it reacted though, that's what I'm looking for, BUT I'm not sure I want to dull it at all.  I know it's not Activator, so it won't burn up the track too fast, but I'm wondering how smooth it is polished.  I don't want it jumpy or snappy really.  I was initially thinking of drilling it label, but again, lol, I really like the way Nick has his set up (drilling, coverstock prep, weighthole placement).  I'm hoping to play the track area or bump the track area once it burns, but playing anywhere near the track area at this specific house leads to flat hits, and I'm wondering if it'll have the move on the back to pull up.  I'm not planning on playing much of a swing shot, but if the ball is between 7-9 at the breakpoint at this house, you need to pray for the carry, cause it'll skid just the extra foot or two needed to leave you that 10.  So like I said, I'd *like* to drill it label and leave it polished, but I'd REALLY rather not plug and redrill it if that's not going to be a good setup.
Space for rent or suggestions . .



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Re: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 09:47:30 AM »
I have one. It is much longer than the original Zone Classic but also more off the dry. I thought I could use mine for extremely light conditions, but no. It is a med to light ball at best. Don't get me wrong, it does push through the heads easier, but really makes up for it on the backend.

This was from an old post^^^^^^^^^

Heres a pic:

Hammy, it is activator but it cured too fast from what I've read over the past few months.  As I stated earlier, it isn't for dry lanes.  You still need head oil or the up the back release to get push on the drier mid lane conditions.  Last Thursday I shot back to back 300's with the Red Pin, I wasn't trying to hook it just up the back and let it move off the dry.  I wouldn't call the reaction snappy either, just a good move that seems to work well for me....

Hope this helps and if you have any more questions...LMK.



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Re: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2005, 12:02:55 PM »
Thanks.  That was another way I was thinking of drilling it.  I had a Scream/R drilled that way and loved it.  It had a nice midlane read and a great arc towards the pocket.  I heard the coverstock (on the red pin ZC) was actually the Punisher coverstock, but I only heard that from one or two people, I honestly haven't been keeping up.  The lanes aren't dry persay, but the pattern is short.  I was hoping to copy the reaction of my Scream/R, and wasn't sure on how to do it.  As long as it's not snappy, that's all I'm hoping to avoid.  I tried drilling another Hot Rod Hybrid because the one I have now is stronger than what I'm looking for, but both drillings I had were waaaay too snappy even though they were supposed to be more even rolling.  Not enough core I guess.  Now I have to think . .
Space for rent or suggestions . .


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Re: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2005, 01:18:03 PM »
I wish I could provide a side by side comparison of the ZC original and Red Pin.  My ZC was drilled completely different that my red, the psa was out on my val in the original.  So, please take my "more backend" in context.....considering the different drill patterns.  




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Re: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2005, 01:22:34 PM »
I drilled mine 5 1/2 x 4 And is Awsome light to med oil ball Kill the hand is work for fried too. Worth every penny of the $53 Buck hehehehe

Honestly I got a lot of balls. No NOT BOWLING BALLS!


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Re: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2005, 11:47:40 AM »
I picked up a ZC Red Pin at nationals in June.  It has worked well in our summer league which seems to play drier than the winter.  Mine has the pin above the ring finger and the CG slightly to the right.  With this layout, the ball is pretty snappy on the backend.  

The ball seems to be hooking a little more now that is has a few games on it.


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Re: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2005, 01:07:03 PM »
I picked one up used with five games last night. It rolls great. has great length and very versital backend. This ball keeps the pins nice and low.
Zack Pelton
Bowl To Win!!!


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Re: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2005, 02:09:07 AM »
just got my Red Pin ZC delivered, and drilled today.  won mine through ebay with a final bid of $10.50,  ball cost $33.45 shipped.  in practice with what I plan on making my winter lineup (Strike Zone, Green Pin ZC, more polished OI, Red Pin ZC) found that I could play the ZC straight up 10 whereas everything else I had to swing from the left side.  Ball went long, stayed long, but snapped back when hitting the dry in the back.

Next Level PS

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Re: Classic Zone Red Pin, snagged one
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2005, 02:44:38 AM »
Check this out Guys "hellodjhjr" is almost like a cousin to me his first cousin is my fiance/babymomma.
Don't you know he went somewhere else to get his balls drilled. Yes he skip by the best in three counties(Hudson,Essex and Union) Mr Next level Proshop himself. How freakin embarrassing is that!!!


DJ, I still have love for Ya.


Next Level Proshop
Union, NJ