Recently I purchased an Absolute Inferno. It is being drilled today. I am drilling it 4 x 60 degree with the pin under fingers. I also looked over Brunswick ball ratings for a companion ball. Several are very close to that ball. I know on tour they are matching the Classic Zone with the Absolute but I feel they would be very close in ball reaction even with slightly different drillings. I was leaning towards the BVP Punisher as a go to ball when I am losing ball reaction ( roll out, tilt out etc). I was thinking of drilling that ball 4 x 60 as well but the pin higher and further out. I will get out pin out ball at least 4 inches or so.
1. Are they a good complimentary pair? I am talking house shots although the one I bowl is a bit heavier oil.
2. I was also looking at the Slayer. How does it compare to the Punisher in length and reaction? I was looking for it to be used on drier shots than the first two balls with a drilling to aid in the length as well. Is that cover more aggressive or milder than the BVP Punisher cover.
3. I know there are the Power Grooves. Yet, I have drilled two of those and just did not match up well with that ball. Drilled two separate ways.
Thanks for the time.
My CATS stats.
Speed - 18.5 mph, within .5 mph on all shots
Tilt - 17 d
Rev Rate - 375
Rotation - 45 degrees