True enough. I was thinking about laying it down right around 10, maybe just outside, though, and only having to go a couple boards from the oil to the friction at the breakpoint. See what I mean?
Either way is a possibility though, depending on how the lanes are really playing, and what equipment, line and style dwp is using. I's say he might prefer your way, if he's a cranker, as he said. The only thing is, that to me, it seems like it would be dangerous to play from a bunch of friction, and out toward what seems to be a pretty serious out of bounds area. Personally, I think, based on what I am percieving this pattern to play like, I'd put it down somewhere between 8-11 wherever I could, and try to take it straight to the hole. But I'm no cranker, so maybe that wouldn't work for dwp.
Either way,
Good luck man.
Quit Crying and Keep Bowling, or Quit Bowling and Keep Crying.