It not just about ball sales. It is about a companies image also. While Norm is a fan favorite on TV, Parker is a fan favorite on TV, off TV, at exibitions, at Pro Ams, etc.
This is no disrespect to Norm, but not only does Parker influnece the sales of bowling balls, but every other bowling related product that Brunswick sells.
Norm is not the outgoing type of person, everyday, that you see on TV. Not saying this in a bad way, it is just a fact. Parker is the same person you see on TV, see at an exhibition, see at a pro am, see in the grocery store.....Parker is Parker 24/7.
As BrunsRico stated cc, you are entitled to your opinion, but being a former Brunswick employee, I know how much influence Parker has not only in bowling ball sales in sales of all Brunswick bowling related products.
Larry Verble