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Author Topic: CrackerJack, MY THOUGHTS  (Read 801 times)


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CrackerJack, MY THOUGHTS
« on: March 13, 2005, 05:05:46 PM »
I am appalled by this member and his list of childish forum post...  A few of my post were listed on there but what made me angry was the forum post he listed with my daughters picture.  Your telling me no one can express there feelings in the forum, I am a very proud father, and I wanted to share her picture with other fathers on the forum.  It is not like I put the picture every where, but where I spent my time the most.  

For someone to do that is childish...  What, you are not a proud parent or have feeling for others and what they have...  You look deep into your soul and find one ounce of truth and tell me your post was childish as well.  

I don't know you from Adam, but the lord has blessed me with a beautiful baby girl and I am very proud of my blessing, and I can share to who and where ever I want too.  You do not have the right to judge others and there freedom of speech.  Are we all suppose to be robots and not talk about other stuff besides bowling?  Man, life is full of the lords blessing, including bowling, and do not take any of them for granted.

IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE POST OR THE FORUM THEN DON'T READ THEM.  Get a grip on reality and decide what you should do for yourself and not what you are going to do to other people.  It is your turn to grow up and leave my posts (Even if they are not up to your standards) and my family out of it.
 "DO or DO NOT. There is no 'Try'" -Yoda  

Edited on 3/14/2005 2:01 AM