What's funny is I'm always skeptical about when people review a ball and they say that they have a such and such average, then they bought a ball, and tada - they throw their career high series, or a 300 game, blah blah blah, you get the picture. Well, I'm a skeptic no more. Granted I only ended up using my Fury (solid) about half the time on league night, but nonetheless, I threw my first league 700 series. I'd only thrown 700+ once in my life and that was during practice one random night. I love my Fury (pin under ring finger), it's strong as heck. It even cuts through all kinds of carrydown. It's stronger on the backends than my Black Widow solid, though my BW isn't drilled to be quite as strong. It does need oil, but if that's what you're looking at, then I've got no complaints about the Fury.