Well to actually explain why I asked this question is because my customer bought an Avalanche Pearl and it was drilled by Chris M and the customer just didn't like the feel or reaction of the ball. This bowler bowls for Saginaw Valley State and has been on the A squad so he is pretty decent. Anyways... He sold the ball to another of my customers with a 5.25" span so I plugged the ball and redrilled it. I have an Innovative Vaccu Jig and the ball would not suck down. I have about 1 in 250 balls not suck down in this press. Anyways...I safety clamped the ball down and drilled it. It measures perfect and he said it feels short. I measured it again and it was right on. Anyways again...I put my Pro-Sect on the ball and there was a 3/16th gap between the ball and the Pro-Sect. I put the Pro-Sect on a Columbia (old and new),Ebonite,Lane#1 and a twice resurfaced AMF ball and they were all tight between the Pro Sect and the ball. The Avalanche Pearl was grossly undersized.
Well being in business myself in many different fields I know these things can happen. Sooooo...... I had Chris M call a Brunswick rep to see if they would replace the ball and he told him that there is no way he could feel a difference in span on an undersized ball and that he has been doing this for 25+ years and yadda yadda yadda.... Thus he told Chris he would not replace the ball because 5 out of every 100 balls they manufacture are undersized and it doesn't matter. He then went on to say that EVERY company has the same 5 out of 100 balls undersized...
But any undersized ball I ever seen this bad had a BONANZA label on it and I paid $17 for.
It is bad enough that he admitted to Chris that Big B regularly sends out grossly undersized balls as first quality but then would do nothing about an un-pleased customer.
This just baffles me...
When and why has Brunswick's customer service and production become so shotty and poor???
I have decided not to stock ANY Brunswick balls in my shop after this. I will order for customers that want them because that is GOOD customer service but I will NEVER again stock any current line balls from Big B again!!!
This is in no way a blind bash of Brunswick so save the retaliation posts... Most people know I am a Lane#1 staff member and may think this is just a low life post to bash Big B. This is business and I would have posted it no matter what other company it was that would treat a customer like this. INCLUDING Lane#1 if they ever did it to me....
Doesn't make sense.. I sell at least 100 Big B balls a year and this particular customer is a 8-12 ball /yr guy. Mostly Brunswick...
All these sales are lost from poor customer service and manufacturing.
Too bad.....I guess.
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
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