Ebonite and their companies are significantly cutting back on their Demo Days, from what I understand, due to the current economy.
It is very expensive for a company to run a Demo Day with shipping in the balls, staffing, etc.
It is great for the pro shops. But for the company itself, a Demo Day is, at best, break even.
What is hoped for is that you have a great experince at the Demo Day. You purchase a ball the day of the Demo. Then, when it is time to buy again, you remember the great experience you had, and buy that brand of ball without the help of Demo Days. And/or, you tell your friends about the experience at the Demo Day and they purchase a ball from that company because of your positive experience.
Sort of like the old shampoo commercial where you told 2 friends, they told 2 friends, and so on, and so on...........

Larry Verble