From my pro shop/industry perspective, EVERy ball is hyped, no matter what company.
The Intense Inferno, did not go over well (in my shop). I have drilled about 15, but the first couple of customers did not really like it. Hard to believe that ball has been out over a year. As time went on, the people that I suggested it to, love it, but it is a niche ball for people with an arsenal. It doesn't have the overall versatility of the original Inferno.
The Raging was okay, another situation ball, I love mine, but it doesn't get alot of play.
The Ultimate has been the best one sales wise for me, still drilling those bad boys, that is some "hook in a box". Think those balls hook sitting on the display!!!
Absolute got alot of hype, and well deserved. A little cleaner through the front than the Inferno, much cleaner than the Ultimate. Not as sharp as the Intense. Very good versatility, would like to drill a second one with longer layout and polish. (Next year when I get on staff, I will do these things!!! LOL!!!)
Here in Storm country, when people get that longer and stronger look, the ball sells better. We have done great with Backyard Bully, Punisher, Zone Classic, Screamin Banshee is good, people have gotten used to that "look".
You did make me think of one thing though, if you shined up the Absolute, how much difference would there be?

? Hmmmmm,, we shall see......
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Drilling and Tech Advice BirdDogbowling.com
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Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!