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Author Topic: Drilling information C system alpha max  (Read 7516 times)


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Drilling information C system alpha max
« on: March 04, 2011, 10:56:10 PM »
I recently purchased an Alpha max c system and am eagerly anticipating drilling it.


I am less than an expert in the dual angle drilling technique and wanted to make sure that what I had in mind and what I expect the ball to do are consistent.


Quite simply, I want to punch it out 45x5x45, pin down and a weight hole in P3...I am hoping that the ball reads early and transitions in the backend quickly. I have some tournaments upcoming and THS are not in the schedule. I, as many others, have no trouble scoring when the burn comes, however, fresh has always been a problematic area and I pray that this ball is my answer.


My PAP is 5 1/4 over and 1/8 up, 16 - 17mph off my hand and 350 - 400rpm.


Any comments/advice that can be offered are appreciated



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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2011, 07:50:48 AM »
A 45x5x45 drilling will result in the pin being approximately 3.5 inches above your PSA so it will definately not be a low pin drilling if you have any upward component to your PSA. 


 If you want a low pin you would have to increase the VAL angle to the 70 degree range, but I wouldn't recommend this because with a P3 hole this thing will want to roll at the arrows on all but the heaviest of oil.  Also since you said that you want a quick transition on the backend you want to have a low VAL angle like 30 degrees.  Without seeing you bowl and knowing your tilt and rotation, of course, these are all just general statements. 


If your driller knows what they're doing they should be able to help you with the layout.  If not, I would recommend trying something like a 60x4x30 and use additional surface to get the ball into a roll if you need to.


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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2011, 08:49:04 AM »
As Drill lord states we can't give you a definite answer without more info. But he is correct, we have the same PAP and that layout will put the pin up just a pinch above the fingers. I have one drilled 65x4.5x25. This is a pretty aggressive layout for me. When I bowl on more oil all I need to do is add surface, and this gets the ball started a little sooner and keeps the ball going through the pins very well. Good luck and wish you all the best.

Adam Baer
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Adam Baer
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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2011, 09:03:31 AM »
Forget about pin up or pin down, select the dual angle layout that will produce the ball reaction you want and use it.  --  JohnP


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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2011, 10:53:01 AM »
Would it help to say that I am a mid to high track player?? I have never determined my axis tilt so I cannot even gander a guess at that one.


I am talking about 41 feet of juice and approx volume of 25-30 mils...


Given the info that I have mentioned, would the layout below be adequate or am I misinterpreting the literature?




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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2011, 12:52:54 PM »
With that kind of length and volume a pin down may be better, but then you loose usability as you start to move in. The layout you are asking about was 45x5x45. With your rev rate this may be a little on the week side.  You may want to choose a stronger pin placement. I would suggest like a 45x4.5x35. You may need to adjust the surface. The Alpha does like oil.

Adam Baer
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Adam Baer
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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2011, 12:04:53 PM » tell me then, if we have the same PAP, how does the 65x4.5x25 layout roll for you?


I may consider drilling 2 of these monsters for the upcoming tournaments and am thinking that the 3:1 ratio of drilling angle to VAL angle would create a huge backend move...really good for the burn??


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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 08:19:20 AM »


Ragu13 wrote on 3/7/2011 1:04 PM: tell me then, if we have the same PAP, how does the 65x4.5x25 layout roll for you?


I may consider drilling 2 of these monsters for the upcoming tournaments and am thinking that the 3:1 ratio of drilling angle to VAL angle would create a huge backend move...really good for the burn??

Ragu... This layout is fairly aggressive. My rev rate is higher than yours. The layout gets the ball through the heads and reads the midlane nicely with a strong motion off the spot. Right now it is still OOB, I haven't thrown it on anything that needed more surface. I drilled this ball with the Scorpion and Shark pattern in mind. I think when I get to these patterns I will need to add surface due to how clean it is in the fronts. You won't go wrong with drilling two of these. i am going to drill a 3rd one because I am just loving this ball right now.

For the burn, for me would have drilled one 70x5x30 with a P2 or P3 hole depending if it needed one. I would also sand with 1000 then polish on top of that.

Hope this helps.

Adam Baer
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Adam Baer
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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 08:19:28 AM »


Ragu13 wrote on 3/7/2011 1:04 PM: tell me then, if we have the same PAP, how does the 65x4.5x25 layout roll for you?


I may consider drilling 2 of these monsters for the upcoming tournaments and am thinking that the 3:1 ratio of drilling angle to VAL angle would create a huge backend move...really good for the burn??

Ragu... This layout is fairly aggressive. My rev rate is higher than yours. The layout gets the ball through the heads and reads the midlane nicely with a strong motion off the spot. Right now it is still OOB, I haven't thrown it on anything that needed more surface. I drilled this ball with the Scorpion and Shark pattern in mind. I think when I get to these patterns I will need to add surface due to how clean it is in the fronts. You won't go wrong with drilling two of these. i am going to drill a 3rd one because I am just loving this ball right now.

For the burn, for me would have drilled one 70x5x30 with a P2 or P3 hole depending if it needed one. I would also sand with 1000 then polish on top of that.

Hope this helps.

Adam Baer
Brunswick Regional Staff
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Adam Baer
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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 12:23:07 PM »


First off my name is Carmine and I thank you for the information you have provided in the strings above.


I have been a student of this sport for many, many years and am always trying to find new ways to improve my game. This dual angle drilling technique maybe one of the coolest and most exciting things I have seen in a long time.


I have tried a couple of different experiments on some older and newer balls and a couple of them worked but most of them just sputtered and did nothing close to what I had originally anticipated, that's when I looked for forums to discuss.


I realized that this process wasn't as easy as just reading some literature, drawing a few lines and punching some holes in a ball. I thought I knew my game very well and after some failed experiments, I wanted to ensure that I was fully tooled with the proper information prior to drilling these pieces to give me the best chance of at least making a showing.

So here it is, I got the second ball today, both pins are identical. I am drilling the first one 45x4.5x30 and hopefuly no hole or a very small one in P1 for fresh, and it should be fantastic. The second for the burn will be 65x5x25 with a P2 hole, don't want the dynamics to change too much.


Thanks again Adam, you have been a fountain of information for me


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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2011, 02:03:56 PM »
Carmine, Not a problem. It is my pleasure to help. Be careful with the fresh drilling with that P1 hole. With that layout it will probably need a hole. make sure you throw the ball before adding the hole. This way you can add a stronger hole if the reaction is not what you are looking for. if you need anything please let me know. Enjoy this ball as it is extremely good when used properly.

Adam Baer
Brunswick Regional Staff
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The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation
Adam Baer
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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2011, 02:23:07 PM »
Thanks again...I will keep the weight hole idea in mind.


I just hope I can live up to the potential of the ball


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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2011, 10:38:35 AM »
Hello again,


quick update and another question. I drilled the first c-system last week...decided to try a 40x4.5x45, it put the pin just slightly above my ring finger and i needed a small P1/P2 weight hole. Considering the surface of the ball and the drilling angle, I am amazed at how clean this ball is in the front part of the lane even on a THS. I asked the lane dresser here to oil a pair with the THS and then a second pair with a little more of a modified sport just to compare...cannot believe the difference. The ball refused to stand up on the THS, you could see it start to move really early in the midlane and then barely make it to the hole, this concerned me a little. I threw a couple of games on this condition and even after this time, the ball just wasn't doing what I had hoped. I decided it was time to try the sport condition and I was in awe at what this ball actually hooked!!! lol. With a little higher volume of oil in the heads, longer pattern and squeeky backends, this ball is a monster...nothing could have prepared me for the destruction I was about to witness. This ball was as clean in the front of the lanes as it was on the THS but that added volume in the heads allowed it to store its energy and man did it release it when it hit the midlane...the ball actually looked like it changed colour when it got to the backend and started to flip. When the transition started, the ball faced the pocket perfectly everytime, I tried 3 or 4 different lines and different angles and so long as I threw the ball properly, it was phenomenal.


Sorry that got so long, I am just really excited to bowl these tournaments now.


Here's my question, I did mention I bought a second c system and am having trouble picturing where everything will lie when I do drill it...The pin is a little less than 3 inches, I decided on 60x4.5x25. I am hoping that I will not have to put any weight holes and that's why I am asking the question...just can't seem to visualize where everything will end up.


Thanks again for the info


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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2011, 11:02:11 AM »
I know you say you don't want weight holes. Why I have no clue, weight holes when used properly are the best way other than surface to fine tune the balls reaction!! You can take a ball that isn't quite what you wanted add a weight hole (in the proper location)and give the ball a much better reaction.
If you really want the most hook for oil just double thumb it (requires a long pin and a weight hole)....problem solved!!!
Just make sure your driller knows what he is doing!!! You have to follow the instructions correctly. If you have any questions PM me and I'll try my best to answer them...

Edited by tdub36tjt on 3/16/2011 at 11:05 AM


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Re: Drilling information C system alpha max
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2011, 11:29:55 AM »
I agree, a weight hole can most certainly do some cool things to a ball, however, I have also seen with some drilling patterns that it causes a 'wobble' effect that cannot be overcome.


I have a couple of pieces with the double thumb drilling and yes, most aggressive pieces in my bags. However, the double thumb drilling may not work on this ball because the pin is less than 3 inches form the CG...I would find it pointless to have a weighthole in the P4 region that might be as big as a dime. The reason I mentioned I want to stay away from the balance hole is because with these angles and the tight pin, the CG will end up above my midline whereas a weighthole maybe required in the P1/P2 areas and would defeat the purpose of the 65/25 degree drilling and VAL angles.


This might be the closest thing to the natural 'leverage' drilling of old, without the pin actually being 3 3/8 from the PAP...a weight hole may need to be added for staic weight legality but if I don't have to add one for those purposes, I would rather not add one at all.


Thanks for the suggestion tho, options are always welcomed