Hey ya'll. I know I posted about the 290 I shot last week. I know ya'll don't care. However, after finishing the 11 in a row 290, I started tonight 9-XXXXXXXXXXX 279, yes that's 2 11 in a row games, followed by XXXXXXXXXX7/ I missed the damn head pin cuz of nerves. Finished with a 238, by not missing the pocket and leaving 3 7 pins in the worst spots ever, but striking out in the 10th, I shot 804!
2nd career 800, both with the Rattler (813, 804).
It's been 13 years since I shot a sanctioned 300 (I was 15 and had a 160 average) but only 8 months since my first 800! Biggest clutch 10th frame ever!
Shot 226, 233, 290-749 and 279, 287, 238-804 the past two weeks. 258.8 average.
The Rattler is legit if you're a medium revs, medium speed (16.5+) bowler. Pin below the ring, cg angled with an x-hole on your PAP. I'm not kidding. Past 2 weeks, 3 honor scores (290 11 in a row, 279 11 in a row, 804 800 series.)
I don't give a damn about your measurements from your PAP, if you have a driller that can fit your hand like a glove over and over again, on a house shot, you're money.
By buying a "on the whim" ball, I've had 2 800's, and 2 11 in a rows. If I wasn't a choker on the 300 game I've had another 2-3 honor scores.
I'm just saying, the Rattler is legit, and to be honest, I don't even like Brunswick equipment. Don't be afraid of their mid range stuff.
Thank you Brunswick and Thank you even more Top Shelf Bowling and Trophy (Randy Warnken) in Clinton Township, Michigan) If you're from Michigan and not sure who to go to, this guy is the best. Inside of Imperial Lanes at M-59 and Garfield. This guy is LEGIT!!!
Yay for Honor Scores!
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!